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Posts posted by grisly

  1. Disclaimer: I lack experience in evaluating GRE texts, so forgive me if I deviate from the mean.

    The argument was "praise positive actions and ignore negative ones is THE BEST"; you said, first, "it's one of the best", and in the last paragraph you wrote "there are no priorities among these methods of teaching". Although your text ran like you were agreeing with the argument, you were in fact disagreeing. I would pay attention to that, try to be more emphatic in agreeing or confronting.

    4/6, I guess

  2. First, I'm not experienced in rating texts, so pardon me if I diverge from other reviewers.

    That said, your arguments make sense to me. There were some punctuation and word repetition issues and the text could be larger and explore more the arguments provided. You used "cities" a lot, could have replaced by municipalities, towns, etc

    Between 4 and 5, I guess, but again, I'm a rookie.


  3. On 26/02/2018 at 4:10 AM, diyadeb said:

    How did your interview go? Mine was the same case study too

    It wasn't clear from the beginning that I had to base my first argument solely on the case, so I tried to argue with my experience. The interviewer had to put me back on track, so I believe I lost some points. From then on it went smoothly.

  4. On 14/02/2018 at 2:54 PM, Adhi said:


    Can someone please share their interview experience? Mine is next Tuesday and I am fretting about it. What kind of case studies will they give? 


    On 12/02/2018 at 5:57 AM, scarletstar said:


    Same! If anyone can share/help


    On 08/02/2018 at 9:27 AM, diyadeb said:


    I applied for the MPP at LKY and have been shortlisted for an interview. The email said that I will have to solve a case study. Any tips on what this case study can be and how to prepare for it?



    My interview was on private schools in poor countries. First question had to be answered with info available on the text. Second with text + personal experience. Third was a simple math question. Around 30 minutes. Good luck!

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