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Everything posted by yuke

  1. Calvinandhobbes, are you a theorist? Yes, let's just hope!
  2. Congrats to all the Harvard admits! Haven't heard a word either way...Guess I am out.
  3. Thank you and good luck!
  4. Thank you! Please don't worry. I am sure this year would be good for you.
  5. In at Yale for theory. Unexpected given my rejection at Northwestern. Notified through website not email.
  6. Don't worry. Good news will come along soon. I just want to know if I should stop hoping.
  7. Any theorist here wants to claim a Northwestern acceptance?
  8. Just emailed Thom Wall about the Harvard acceptance. Unfortunately, " some admits are out" is definitely fake.
  9. Yeah, they didn't even say they are American or International...
  10. Ok. I am checking it out. Thank you for adding, Serotonin_addict.
  11. Yeah, I have thought about that and will take that into account. Thanks!
  12. Thank you very much, Balderdash! Really helpful... I have a friend who will go to Cambridge for Mphil this autumn, too, but in my field. Then I guess I would apply to Oxbridge Mphil and some others. I also heard the same thing from a Yale professor about their preference for Oxbridge MAs mainly because of the reference letters and student quality. For all, I won't quit applying to US PhD programs, only want to see what's going to happen. LOL Then again, thanks for sharing. And good luck with Mphil in Cambridge and application!
  13. Hi all. I am considering applying to US Phd programs as well as some UK master ones in political theory this autumn. I wonder what the differences between the 2-year Mphil degree and the 1-year Msc degree are, like levels of competition of getting in, the rate of succesful reapplication to US PhD programs upon completion, etc. So if anyone happens to know something, please share on this forum and I am sure there are some others who need to know. Thanks very much!
  14. Worried about the V score though...people say scores below 700 hurt. Anyway thank you very much and now I can concentrate on application.
  15. Senior from Peking University. GRE score: V670 Q800 AW5.5, taken last October. Is it a handicap for me to apply to such programs in political theory as HYP?
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