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Posts posted by sfp2015

  1. On 4/2/2018 at 3:02 AM, Consistent Email Refresher said:

    I was fortunate to get several acceptances but the deadline’s quickly approaching and I’m still really conflicted — I’m visiting Boulder and Vanderbilt this next week and am hoping that will help, but I also still love MGH and can’t bring myself to turn any of these three down yet. Anyone else deciding between similar places?

    Boulder is one of my top choices as well. Would love to hear any info you learn about it when you visit!! I've been to Boulder before but didn't see the campus/department at all. Good luck with your decision. I'm from Boston which is a great place to live if you decide on MGH :)

  2. Boulder is one of my top choices as well. Would love to hear any info you learn about it when you visit!! I've been to Boulder before but didn't see the campus/department at all. Good luck with your decision. I'm from Boston which is a great place to live if you decide on MGH :)

  3. Hey! I am strongly considering Boulder but I'm having a hard time deciding!! I have been to Boulder which I LOVED but I did not get a chance to check out the department or clinic at all and I will not be able to make it out for the info session. Do you mind sharing some info after you have attended the info session? That would be so helpful. My main concern is how expensive it is. Much more expensive than all my other options... so if they mention any funding options that would be particularly useful information! 

    THANK YOU!!!

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