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Gaby P

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Posts posted by Gaby P

  1. 12 hours ago, ahgfjhgf said:

    I'm an incoming grad student hoping to live in a complex close to campus... If anyone is looking for a housemate please let me know! I'm not really sure how to go about finding people to live with.

    Hi! I am an incoming grad student as well... I have not find a place to live yet but I am looking at a Facebook group called University of Delaware (UD) Housing, Sublets & Roomates! I have seen several places in rent.

  2. Hello everyone.

    I recently got accepted at UD to study economics and applied econometrics. Since I am not from the US, I do not have the opportunity to search in person for an appartment nor do I know about the living cost in Delaware. 

    I have a few questions that I hope you can answer. First, on average, how much money do I need monthly to cover for all my expenses?. 

    Is it really necessary to own a car? If so, how much does one cost? and is it worth to buy one?. 

    Can you recommend a good place to live?. I am looking for a cheap place and close to the campus. Furthemore, as I am not from the US, my family plans to visit me during Christmas and Summer, I would need a place where they can be with me without inconvinience (only for a couple of weeks). Is the on  campus housing good or would you recommend a different place?

    Thanks for your help

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