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Posts posted by Marebear

  1. So far I am enjoying it. I have heard great things about it, however I have not been blown away by it. I think it is more of a quiet novel.

    What are your thoughts on 1Q84 by Murukami?

    I might have to dump all of my books back at the library soon. My thesis has been neglected for too long and I want to graduate this program so I can enter into the next one. :)

    I completely agree with you about The Night Circus being a quiet novel. I expected more Harry Potter and had the wrong kind of expectations for it, I think.

    1Q84 is not a quiet book, haha. I've been really loving it. I only allow myself to read it when I'm at the gym both so that I'll go to the gym more and so that I won't let it take over my life. Have you read any Murakami before? Apparently it's just as awesome as his other stuff, but this is the first I've read by him. I highly recommend it though!

    Good luck with the thesis (mine is currently that-which-must-not-be-named)

    (sorry for being the least timely responder of all time)

  2. It's so exciting to hear about acceptances!

    I only applied to UNC-Chapel Hill (I need to be in the triangle for personal reasons, so if it doesn't work then it just must not be time), and I'm still waiting to hear back.

    I was just curious, LindsayLiz, if you don't mind, when did you apply and hear back from UNC? How long did it take for them to make a decision? I keep telling myself it's way too early to hear from them, as I only submitted everything a few weeks ago, but I'm still unable to tear myself away from anxiously refreshing my email inbox...

  3. I'm reading 1Q84 by Murukami, The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol, Second Space by Czeslaw Milosz right now, and assorted reading for my thesis.

    bzrunner-- what do you think about The Night Circus? I read it earlier this year and continue have incredibly mixed feelings about it.

  4. Hello all, I'm an incoming English MA student to UVA this fall. Not quite as illustrious as the PhDs, but I'm still pretty excited. I'm also on the market for housemates or apartment mates and am very open to living with incoming graduate students somewhere close but off-campus. If anyone is looking for a clean, bookish, and laid back extra housemate send me a message!

  5. Thanks so much Marebear! That is really helpful.... and I love tex-mex so I will definitely be sure to check out armadillo grill! What program are you in, if you don't mind my asking? I am heading into the Human Development section of the ed. school..... the Education PhD in Early Childhood Intervention and Literacy.

    I'm actually just finishing my undergrad here this semester. I'm off to UVA in the fall for a Masters in English! I hope you enjoy Chapel Hill; it's a great town.

  6. Thanks for the input. It was a less than 5 minute drive for me from campus when I visited, which I really liked. But maybe I got lucky with no traffic or maybe I just drive too fast because I'm a New Yorker?! If you don't recommend Southern Village could you recommend another place or two to check out? Thanks so much!

    I live near Southern Village currently, and it's a pretty nice area. If you're wanting to live right in Southern Village though, you'll be paying way more than you should be for rent in Chapel Hill. Also, one of the issues I've encountered is seemingly nonsensical bus times-- sometimes the V and the NS run all the time it seems like, but sometimes my roommates and I will get randomly stranded on campus.

    I would highly recommend Carrboro; it's a little farther away, but the people are generally lovely and it's still within walking distance from campus. If you like tex-mex, make sure to eat at armadillo grill-- amazing chicken tacos.

    Also all the buses are free, so just make sure you're on the bus line and you're set!

  7. Did anyone else applying for a PhD at Virginia get an offer for the MA program? I applied to Virginia because I love their program, but I absolutely never expected to be offered anything. Their MA is completely without funding though, so I'm currently trying to decide what to do (out of state tuition makes me want to cry). Anyone else in a similar situation?

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