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Everything posted by zherdev11

  1. Undergrad Institution: Top 50 Liberal Arts College Student-Athlete Major: Mathematics and Economics Concentration: Statistics GPA: 3.63/4.0 Major (MSCS) GPA: 3.63/4.0 Type of Student: Domestic Male Relevant Courses: Calculus II (A), Multi-Variate Calculus (B), Linear Algebra I, II (B+), Statistical Modeling (B+), Advanced Statistical Modeling (A), Computer Science for Science / Math - R / Python (A), Probability Theory (B-), Statistical Theory (B+), Software Design (A), Real Analysis (B+), Modern Computational Mathematics (A-), Algorithms for Decision Making (A), Econometrics I (A), Mathematics for Finance (B+), MSCS Research Methods (A) GRE: 166Q 152V 4.0A Programs Applying: Statistics PhD / Masters Research Experience: - 2 years working in our Center for Interdisciplinary Research. Worked on 2 separate year long research projects with other students / professors and resulted in one paper. Held consulting hours for students working on research projects in any discipline. Weekly seminar hours discussing a wide variety of statistical consulting ideas. - 1 Summer of Research at said Liberal Arts College. Ended with a few presentations in front of small liberal arts professors, a poster and a paper. - Participated in (via presentations and papers) and attended multiple statistics conferences over the years. Teaching Experience: Student taught a 5 week pilot R programming series course. Teaching Assistant for our Advanced Statistical Modeling Course (GLMs, etc.) Work Experience: Catastrophe Modeler (Modeling Natural Disasters i.e. Hurricanes, EQ, etc.). Co-founded, manage, and contribute statistical analysis to a sports analytics blog. Recommendation Letters: Three; one from the dean of natural sciences at my school and two from other statistics professors. Think these should be relatively strong. Awards: Cum Laude, Statistically Significant Award (Top Statistics Student Award), Best Statistics Song Award Coding Experience: R, Python, Tableau, C++, C#, Javascript (D3), VBA, Pearl Research Interests: ML, Bayesian, Spatial, Time Series, Regression Analysis Methods Applying to: (Preliminary) Statistics PhD: - Colorado State - UC Santa Barbara - UT Austin - Oregon State - SDSU - Pittsburgh Statistics Masters - Minnesota - Wisconsin Feedback Request: Given my resume, how do you rate my odds of getting into my list of schools? Any thoughts / suggestions on other programs that I should look at or any other commentary on the schools I am planning to apply to? Should I retake the GRE?
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