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Posts posted by ExcitedtojoinOISE

  1. 6 hours ago, Jackson8918 said:

    Just a question for all of you, was the OISE program the only teacher ed program you applied for?

    Not to demean OISE or anything, but the overall reception of the MT program as a whole has been rather terrible throughout.
    Maybe its just us students complaining, but almost everyone dislikes the way things are run by the admins here.

    It's not really known to give benefits over BEd, yet the MT tuition is double the amount (12k, vs 6-7k)
    There are is no A4, no additional certifications, or increased employment rates to show for the additional costs.
    Its just a "masters" in name, as UofT doesn't accept their own MT students to go into any of their PhD programs.

    The only reason why I went here was because I've done my undergrad here at UofT, and I know the campus area.

    I'm going to be joining the program in September and I'm really looking forward to it (as you can tell by my display name lol). Anyways, I keep hearing about students' discontent for the program but I was just wondering if you could elaborate on what the students' complaints are about. Did they not like the lecturers or their practicum experience? Or was it just that they feel they chose the wrong program and should have been in a B.Ed or M.Ed instead?

    I'm really looking forward to doing this professional program because I'd like to gain both theoretical and hands-on skills to become a great educator & teacher. :D. If there's any other advice you have for incoming students, that'd be awesome. Thanks!

    To those that are waiting, I'm so sorry that the admin took their sweet time with this. I hope you hear good news soon!

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