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Posts posted by efrs291

  1. 12 minutes ago, StemCells4Lyfe said:

    Is there any sites you all used for rating/selectivity stats based on program? I'm trying to generate a list of where I'd like to apply and narrow it down with a good mix of reaches/dream schools, mid-tier and "safety" (even though I guess safety schools isn't really a thing for grad school). I've only seen a couple schools release the data based on program.

    I second this lol

  2. Has anyone heard from University of Miami? I checked BiomedCAS and saw a change in my applications: I had applied to their Micro and Imm Direct Admissions program and now there's an additional Micro and Imm Umbrella Admissions App with an Application Status of "Manual" so I'm not sure if this is a good sign or just something clerical. 


    Also, no news from NYU but with thesophophile aklsdjfl

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