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Posts posted by MLC2019

  1. 1 hour ago, DevoLevo said:

    I spent a LOT of time going back and forth between Stanford and Columbia, and I ended up going with Stanford in part because it was the safer bet (I'm not from the bay, but am currently on the west coast and have family in the bay). I don't think that a safer bet is necessarily a bad thing, especially if you felt better about the faculty and students at UCSF - as you say, UCSF and MIT are of very similar caliber in the bio field. I would spend some time thinking about what it is that makes you feel that UCSF is safer and how those factors would relate to your overall grad experience: safer in terms of a good program fit is probably a good thing.

    That being said, don't let "feeling like you're not good enough" stop you from going to MIT if that's actually the place you prefer. You were clearly good enough to get in out of a lot of applicants which means that MIT thinks you're good enough to succeed (despite what your inner Imposter Syndrome may tell you). I also hear that Boston is a great city to be in, both academically and culturally, and obviously MIT is top-tier.

    Thanks for the advice :) and congrats on your decision! For me, I feel like I want the answer to be MIT, but not for any reason I can particularly understand or voice. And when I think rationally, I can come up with a bunch of reasons why UCSF might be better. I just don't want to make a decision for the wrong reasons, but then again time is running out so I'll have to do something soon.

  2. Help (PLEASE)! Should I go to UCSF or MIT? I'm from the Bay Area and would like to experience living somewhere else, but I'm also worried that being away from my family for 6 years would be so difficult. I am interested in a similar number of faculty at both places, but felt more comfortable overall (with faculty and students) at SF. I think it's probably because of this complex that I'm simply not good enough to go to MIT, even though I know UCSF is of very similar caliber. UCSF would probably be a safer option for me, but I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing. Any advice would be GREATLY GREATLY appreciated.

  3. Help (PLEASE)! Should I go to UCSF or MIT (both for molecular/cell/dev bio)? I'm from the Bay Area and would like to experience living somewhere else, but I'm also worried that being away from my family for 6 years would be so difficult. I am interested in a similar number of faculty at both places, but felt more comfortable overall (with faculty and students) at SF. I think it's probably because of this complex that I'm simply not good enough to go to MIT, even though I know UCSF is of very similar caliber. UCSF would probably be a safer option for me, but I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing. Any advice would be GREATLY GREATLY appreciated.

  4. 2 hours ago, DevoLevo said:

    Nope. The department contact said I would get the follow-up email on the 11th - I think it's just taking longer to get invites out than they expected.

    Thanks for letting me know! Did you respond to the original email to accept the invitation? It seemed unclear whether they wanted a response or if we were supposed to wait for the additional information first.

  5. On 1/2/2019 at 12:39 AM, blackprodigy said:

    Yes it will be a secure file you must download. It will be an attachment called message1 or something like that. You'll go through a couple hoops but you can just find any W9 form online really and fill it out and scan it back to BBSP

    I found the form, thank you! Do you know how to determine if you are exempt from backup withholding and FATCA reporting?

  6. On 12/28/2018 at 11:26 AM, maya123z said:

    I sent my W9 a few weeks ago but haven't gotten anything from Maupin. I'll follow up with them. Thanks!

    Did everyone receive the W9 form in the confirmation email from BBSP admissions after registering for the interview weekend? I got the confirmation email but cannot see the W9 attachment.

  7. Hello everyone,

    Please help!! I am unsure of my qualifications and looking for some feedback on my list of schools/programs. I am interested in studying cell/matrix interactions, cell shape and polarity, and tissue morphogenesis and patterning.

    Undergrad Institution: Top UC

    Major(s): MCDB
    Minor(s): Biomedical Research
    GPA in Major: 3.942
    Overall GPA: 3.859
    Position in Class: Currently qualify for Magna Cum Laude (top 10%)
    Type of Student: Domestic female

    GRE Scores (revised/old version):
    Q: 163 (93%)
    V: 163 (83%)
    W: 4 (59%)

    Research Experience: 

    2 yrs (3 by PhD entry) in epithelial biology lab - 20 hrs/week during the school year and 2 full-time summers, 40 hrs/week

    [Working independently for 2/3 years]

    One manuscript submitted for review (second author), one in preparation (co-first), two poster presentations, one departmental seminar talk, completing an honors thesis now

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: College Honors, Dean's Honors List all quarters since sophomore year, Departmental Honors (upon thesis completion)

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Work-study job in same lab during my freshman year

    Special Bonus Points: Expect very strong letter from my PI, strong letter from faculty member familiar with my work, and solid letter from faculty part of minor

    Applying to Where:

    MIT Biology

    UCSF Tetrad

    Stanford Biosciences

    UC Davis BMCDB

    UW MCB

    Vanderbilt IGP BBS

    UNC Chapel Hill  BBSP

    Thank you in advance for your input!

  8. Hello everyone, 

    I am unsure of my qualifications and looking for some feedback on my list of schools/programs (as well as any suggestions to add, which are not listed here). I am interested in studying cell/matrix interactions, cell shape and polarity, and tissue morphogenesis and patterning.

    Undergrad Institution: Top UC

    Major(s): MCDB
    Minor(s): Biomedical Research
    GPA in Major: 3.942
    Overall GPA: 3.859
    Position in Class: Currently qualify for Magna Cum Laude (top 10%)
    Type of Student: Domestic female

    GRE Scores (revised/old version):
    Q: 163 (93%)
    V: 163 (83%)
    W: 4 (59%)

    Research Experience: 

    2 yrs (3 by PhD entry) in epithelial biology lab - 20 hrs/week during the school year and 2 full-time summers, 40 hrs/week

    [Working independently for 2/3 years]

    One manuscript submitted for review (second author), one in preparation (co-first), two poster presentations, one departmental seminar talk, completing an honors thesis now

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: College Honors, Dean's Honors List all quarters since sophomore year, Departmental Honors (upon thesis completion)

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Work-study job in same lab during my freshman year

    Special Bonus Points: Expect very strong letter from my PI, strong letter from faculty member familiar with my work, and good letter from faculty part of minor

    Applying to Where:

    MIT Biology

    UCSF Tetrad

    Stanford Biosciences


    UC Davis BMCDB

    UW MCB

    Vanderbilt IGP BBS

    Thank you in advance for your input!

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