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Everything posted by MSW-101

  1. IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!! For those of you that got accepted to UofT advance standing program, there is an option for you to start early (summer semester April-July/August) if you can , please take advantage of this opportunity, as it will give you a head start and lessen your course load comes September. You can take a max of 3 courses. SWK4510- research is offered as an intensive 5 day course in June (9-5) likewise some elective. you can find these couses on the MSW website under timetable : https://socialwork.utoronto.ca/programs/all-timetables/summer-2020/ You can also take 2 electives (mandatory requirement to graduate ) To do this you would have to email Sharon and let her know so she can change your offer letter to May. There is a condition, you must pay 50% of the school fee by may. FYI- from past experience, many advanced standing student didn't know this option was available. For them, taking 4-5 classes plus practicum was a lot. DM me if more information is needed. Happy to help!
  2. Current Advanced Standing University of Toronto student here. I understand and appreciate the waiting period, and how anxiety-provoking it can be for some. I was in your position this time last year. I just want to congratulate everyone on how far you have come and how much you have accomplished thus far. Keep in mind that an "Acceptance or Decline" does not in any way reflect who you are as a person. There is limited space for each program and it is highly competitive. For those who will get acceptance, congratulation. For those who are decline, keep trying. It might not be your year, but who knows, you might get in next year or the next time you apply. I can't stress enough how important self-care is. Do engage in activities that you enjoy to keep you active and sane throughout this process. For those who applied to the University of Toronto, judging from last year and the previous intake on grad cafe, 1st round acceptance for ADVANCED STANDING started the week of Family day long weekend. Hoping that it is the same this year. If you are accepted to UofT your ACORN will chance to "INVITED" Fun Facts: last year for those of us who got accepted on February 19th, our ACORN status changed to 'Invited" then when the page timed out or if it was refreshed the "invited" disappeared. We figured it was because of the volume of update the administration was doing that caused that glitched. In the end, those who experienced this were in fact admitted to the program. Good luck to everyone.
  3. I private message you.
  4. OH man, I refuse to look and put myself through the agony. Is it safe to say at this point that we wait for the official letter of confirmation???
  5. Try logging out, delete your browser history, then log in again. Hope your "invited" status remains
  6. mines still say "under review" ...But my ACORN updated to invited
  7. Gerontology
  8. congratulation!!!!!!!!
  9. My ACORN changed to "Invited" for Uoft.......I got innnnnnnnnnnnn
  10. Your stats look great.........Give yourself more credit! I would be surprised if you didn't get in
  11. At least I'm not alone....
  12. Anyone else getting "Fail to open page" for ACORN? WTH, I can't log in the web browser won't open
  13. Congratulations!!! That's awesome what stream did you apply to
  14. I applied to Gerontology advance standing
  15. No one posted on this forum yet. Should be this week hopefully if not soon. Good luck What stream did you applied to if you don't mind me asking?
  16. keeping my fingers crossed for you. Your stats look good to me. I do hope you get in ?
  17. congratulation to you both!!
  18. lol ?? I'm with you on those feelings
  19. ? good to know. Thank you
  20. Nicole- will UofT send an email notification when there is a status update or we continue to check ACORN daily?
  21. Anyone else checking their email multiple times daily ?????? Less than a week for UofT advance standing!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. We are soo close...... The anxiety is escalating. Watch it goes from 0 to a 100 real quick lol lol
  23. You must be over the moon...:) Congratulation!!!!!!!
  24. Happy that you were able to log in. Base on prior forums, If you are admitted to UofT, the following status : Academics Degree Registration Status You do not have any enrolled courses for 2019 Winter. .........................Will be Changed to INVITED.
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