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Everything posted by skippinglives

  1. What is the Pitt postbac called? Sounds like an awesome program, but I can't seem to find it just googling
  2. Does anyone know how I can update my apps? A manuscript where I will be a middle author is now officially in prep and will be submitted next month, and I feel like I should probably add that to my apps, right? Is that a thing you can do?
  3. Our interests are super similar! What schools did you apply to?
  4. Ah gotcha. What kind of research are you interested in doing?
  5. Ah cool, thank you. I'd been told by my school's career center to not contact profs beforehand, were we supposed to for this program? Oops ?
  6. Did you hear by email or by phone?
  7. Do you know if/when they’ll be sending out more invites?
  8. Whoa, when did you submit your app? (I also applied to CNUP but haven’t heard anything)
  9. Congrats on Pitt! When did you hear from them?
  10. 2 years ago they sent at like 1am on Friday night/Saturday morning, so that totally could happen this year.
  11. SO REAL! I turned on email notifications on my phone and seriously every time it buzzes I go crazy Even though finals are next week and I really need to study ?
  12. Anyone know details about when these schools will send out requests? NYU Neural Science, Columbia Neurobiology, Icahn (Mt. Sinai) Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh CNUP, Emory Neuroscience, NIH-Brown GPP Neuroscience
  13. Last year Penn notified at around 4pm and the year before it was at like 1am, so I think it's still early? Going crazy waiting though!
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