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Everything posted by Psych_101

  1. Mine hasn't changed either!
  2. Just received my letter of rejection from SCCP via SGS portal. I figured this much due to the silence re: interviews etc.. fingers crossed for the rest!!
  3. I was rejected from a program and composed an email saying thanks for the consideration, enjoyed our interview etc.. I was offered a position as a lab coordinator as a result, which was super cool! It's important to try and be remembered if you didn't get accepted and hope to apply again
  4. How did you find out about your CGS-M status for that program - my application portal hasn't changed.
  5. Hi All! Wondering if those of you who have been accepted to Ryerson would be willing to DM me and let me know who you will be working with?! I want to get a read on where I stand etc... in this waiting process. Thanks in advance ☺️
  6. If anyone has been accepted to SCCP OISE would you please DM me and let me know with who? I need some peace of mind ?
  7. I am assuming it is not a great sign if I haven't heard!! UGH UGH UGH ?
  8. How would you know if you have been waitlisted?
  9. Anyone waiting on the 2 year UofT apply to OGS funding??
  10. She didn't say just that it's basically automatic entry, transitioning from MA into PhD within the same program.
  11. Re: SCCP OISE - I spoke to someone in the program and they informed me that only Ph.D. offers have been extended which haven't required interviews only automatic responses, so hopefully MA interviews and offers will be happening next? ?
  12. Does your's say "under review" or "under consideration" ?
  13. I can't even with this shit ?? LOL
  14. UUGHHHHH! I am dying over here with waiting ? ... just needed to share.
  15. Yeah I was explicitly told by the individual I interviewed with at Rye to not expect to hear anything for several months regarding short-list and final decisions, and that I would be notified by Ryerson directly, not by them, regarding acceptance soooo... fingers crossed!! Unless they didn't want me right off the back and want to let me down easy ? who knows!
  16. This is next level brutal. ?
  17. what is this results page you speak of!?
  18. I know!!! AND I also think it takes a bit of pressure off because at a certain point we just have to accept that we have advocated and represented ourselves the best we possible could. Sometimes, especially with Clinical Psychology acceptance, these things are dependent on factors beyond our control. LOL - obvi I have been rehearsing this to myself for weeks ? Thanks for the vibes they are much needed and same to you.
  19. She was saying it also depends on how many students were accepted into varying labs the previous year. Like if she took two last year and wants two this year, and a different lab didn't take any students last year and has two students they want, than there will have to be pull one way or the other, as they can't take all four students.
  20. She said she fights for who she wants, but yes.. ultimately it is out of her hands once her final students are submitted to the committee.
  21. Side note of hope: I am a Grad Practicum Coordinator and I am receiving a TON of emails from a variety of POIs from different universities as GTA Practicum Applications close February 1st! SOOO - maybe that is why they are behind, writing a bunch of reference letters
  22. Yes! When I interview last week my POI said that the process moving forward would be that she would now submit her top two people to the committee and they ultimately will make the final decision based on optics of applicants and how their GPA, funding acceptances, publications, and GREs reflect on the program. She also does not participate in interview day so she told me to expect not to be invited! Hopefully that helps!
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