Hi all,
I am a student planning on applying to graduate programs this fall and could use some advice. I am planning on (one day) applying to PhD programs in Psychology, unfortunately my undergraduate GPA is not very good so I'm fairly certain that I will not be admitted to any if I applied this upcoming cycle. However, to help, I am planning to apply to Masters programs in order to supplement the poor undergraduate GPA, as well boost my application come time to apply for PhD programs. My question is this: would it be more beneficial to apply to Masters programs related to psychology (e.g. psychology, neuroscience, etc.) or to apply to a program in a field such as Statistics/Data Analysis, that will surely benefit me in conducting research later in my career. I have some coding experience (Matlab) as a result of working in a Neuroscience research lab, and have taken a couple statistics courses at my university and done well in both.
I'm just looking for a little guidance, as I haven't gotten the chance to talk to my faculty advisor about any of this yet, I wanted to come to her with an idea of what could be good for me.
Thanks for the help!
P.S. I also asked this question in the "Question and Answers" Forum in addition to this one, wasn't sure where was most appropriate. Hope I haven't broken any unspoken rules.