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Everything posted by swertl

  1. @naoone Good luck to you! Fingers crossed for the weather. I'm sure you will do great, and congrats on your acceptances so far. Have you had any communication from the program in the past week? After I RSVPed I haven't anything back in terms of hotel room confirmation or where the events will be taking place.
  2. @highered01Thank you so much! And thanks for the information! I'm a Ph.D. applicant. Since you said that they are generally finalists, I wonder if you could give a general idea how much the visit plays into the admissions process. For the interviews, were they pretty formal, or was it more of an informal chat with the POIs? I am excited as well to visit, it seems like a great city!
  3. Thanks! It was pretty much a form invitation with official letterhead by email. They also sent another email to let me know about travel arrangements. I wouldn't give up hope yet as I just got it in the past few hours, and also I think the different programs within Penn GSE might notify on different dates.
  4. Hi Everyone, I recently got invited to the Penn GSE interview weekend for the doctoral students. Just kind of curious because this will be my first interview/visit, and wondering if any previous applicants could chime in on what it's like/what to the expect. Also wondering what would be appropriate to wear to such a visit (for men). Thanks!
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