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Posts posted by RR1202

  1. 2 minutes ago, neo12 said:

    Hi RR1202! I had my phone interview on January 16th, and I haven't heard anything since except for a general email saying that my application was still in process. From the interview, it seemed like I might hear something in the next week or two. Which track are you applying for?

    Agreed that this is a stressful process! Best of luck, too!

    it makes me feel better that you haven't heard either LOL. I was put in contact with a current student after my interview, hoping that's a good sign. I've applied to the applied professional track,. how about you?

  2. On 1/15/2019 at 12:06 PM, neo12 said:

    Hi birdy-bear, I realize this is several years after the fact, but when you were contacted about the phone interview / recruitment phone call for the Child Studies department, was it described as a 30-minute interview to talk more about your application?

    (I hope you are loving being back at Peabody!)

    Hi neo12, I too applied for the Child Studies program this year. I was wondering if you had heard anything? I have my phone interview on the 19th and am anxious.

    Best of luck!

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