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Everything posted by sepehr

  1. Good luck with your studies at TU. Firstly I should mention that I am at TU Delft and what I say is based on my experience which could be limited. I would say first you should be careful with rules in the Netherlands as they might change in the course of your studies. Also, these rule are really delicate and sometimes with all of you wishes your request for staying one year more is rejected because of some technicalities you might not be aware of. Moreover, I am confident that getting a job in the Netherlands without knowing Dutch language is tough and the same holds for other countries in EU. For instance I was in Sweden for two years and I know that it is extremely tough to get a job therein without knowing Swedish. However, be happy since the Netherlands is almost the most international country in EU union and despite of all these difficulties you have more chances in the Netherlands compared with other countries. P.S. What I said is based on your field of study and my experience. For instance, if you had studied petroleum or mechanical engineering at master level, I would have told you that you have very good chances in Norway although you do not know Norwegian. In these areas, your chance for finding a job in Norway is even higher than some states in the U.S. Good luck
  2. TU is outstanding in engineering, though you have limited chance for finding a job after graduation. Specially, if you study PhD, the stipend is one of the highest in the World. However, if I was interested in the thesis subject at Gtech, I would definitely go to Gtech because of high probability of finding a job in U.S and also the fact that salaries are much higher in U.S. What is your reason for going to TU Delft. Let me know, maybe it helps me to decide....
  3. Thank you for the time you took to respond my post. According to the advisor the project is for three years and most probably he has counted on me. The other problem is that I have declined all of my other offers, and just found out that the work being done by the advisor who has funded me is not my type at all. I have no background in his research and I am really stunned by the way he has chosen me. On the one hand, working even for a day with this advisor is really stressful for me, on the other hand I have no other choice. I predict to be really stressed from the very beginning since I know that I can not work with this supervisor up to the end and also the fact that I am wasting somebody's money is excruciating for me. Now, I am really confused, if I say anything to the supervisor I will be jobless and if I work for him for a while it will be unethical. I really appreciate your comments
  4. Dear Friend, Unfortunately, I declined TU Delft's offer before you reply me. Now, I am left with Cornell and a subject in which I am not interested. I am really confused, it really pains me because I have already published 4 journal papers during my master studies in my area of expertise and now I have to work on a subject which I dislike. On the one hand, I do not ruin the chance of studying in Cornell and on the other hand I do not want to let anyone down by wasting his money. This is a very bad situation in my life......
  5. Thank you guys, I really appreciate the time you took to answer me. Actually, I have another offer from a university in Europe which has a much better topic. However, I am really in dilemma since Cornell is a big name which gives me the possibility to work all over the world and also US. Is that worth to take risk and go to Cornell with this wish to change the advisor or it is better to stay in Europe. The university in Europe is TU Delft. I would really appreciate your comments
  6. Dear Friends, I have been offered a graduate research assistantship by the Civil Engineering department at Cornell. Actually, I am not interested in the research being done by the advisor who has offered me, but I have accepted the offer since Cornell was a serious choice for me. Now, my question is that how can, if possible at all, change this advisor while I am a GRA and my funding is provided by him? Also, is it more wise to enroll and then discuss these or I can dicuss at this moment? In general please guide me. Bests Sepehr
  7. Dear Friends, I have been offered a graduate research assistantship by the Civil Engineering department at Cornell. Actually, I am not interested in the research being done by the advisor who has offered me, but I have accepted the offer since Cornell was a serious choice for me. Now, my question is that how can, if possible at all, change this advisor while I am a GRA and my funding is provided by him? Also, is it more wise to enroll and then discuss these or I can dicuss at this moment? In general please guide me. Bests Sepehr
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