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Everything posted by Vidvin

  1. It's already midweek.. nothing till now... getting impatient...
  2. She told me the same...hopefully it turns true...
  3. I had called iris last week.... She said that they are replacing some students and I should receive something soon... i She said it's a mistake at their end not mine.. I don't understand what she actually meant.. whom are they planning to replace?
  4. I got the email on March 28.. and it's been over a month.. I even submitted the certificate of the course in programming language mentioned on the website.. then also no response...I don't understand why are they dragging so much for some people...
  5. Please email or call Iris for this delay..
  6. Anyone who hasn't received.. please contact iris to check what's the status.. i contacted a week ago and she replied the same I quoted above..
  7. Not yet .. is it possible that they will give offer letter after the certificate of one of the computer science related course is submitted to them?? Iris told me last week that the school of graduate studies is overloaded with applications...
  8. I haven't heard anything from them after the interview. Does anybody know what is the percentage of rejections after interviews??
  9. Just curious to know if everyone is interviewed by the same faculty members.. coz some people are getting recommendation letters on the very same day whereas some are getting after 3 weeks..
  10. Did u interview today in person or through Skype??
  11. Hello guys, Contacted iris a week ago... she said my application is in the last stage of review... don't know whether to expect anything positive or not? Losing hope....
  12. Hello guys, I too applied for this program... haven't heard anything from them yet...should I contact the program administrator or wait till I hear something from them... Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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