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Posts posted by hedeos

  1. @Revenir 

    Hey, I'm an undergrad at Irvine right now - Irvine as a school is super liberal, I haven't heard about anyone I know having a hard time because they were in the LGBT community. I've heard the town generally is more conservative overall but I've honestly never had an issue/felt unsafe in that area. There are always exceptions, of course, and that's just been my experience - but still.

    Irvine I think has some sort of organization for LGBT students, but I honestly have never gone to any of their events - I've heard that it was mostly a place for people to kind of date around/that there was some drama, but I'm not sure how true that is, given I've never gone. At any rate, it might be worth checking out, but most of the people I've met in Irvine that are LGBT are people I just happened to meet in class, through a friend, etc...there are definitely a fair amount of (out) LGBT students around campus, at least in the humanities (which is sort of all I know at Irvine). I guess the "organized" community isn't super big, but there are plenty of people around that are LGBT and just not involved in the official stuff. Plus, Irvine is pretty close to L.A./Riverside area, which also have pretty big LGBT communities. 

    I hope that helps...? I'm not from the area, so I'm sure there's stuff I don't know about, but that's my impression...

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