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Posts posted by 15111591

  1. On 3/19/2019 at 3:48 PM, hs_m2c said:

    Hey all!

    Congrats on your acceptances! I recently got into UW HCDE, UMICH MSI, and UCI MHCID. I got rejected from UW MHCID. I was wondering if anyone is trying to also decide between these 3? especially UMICH and UW? Not really sure what to do. Both programs seem great.

    Did anyone here apply to the UCI program as well? I am in california and that would be the cheapest option for me while still maintaining my current job too. UW and Umich seem like they are more well known and prestigious programs though. Not sure which is considered more than the other.

    Hey!! Congrats!! When did you hear back from UCI? I also applied, but I'm still waiting....

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