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Everything posted by oxbridgedreamer

  1. Thank you so much! This helps a lot as I think about going forward with the application.
  2. *re-posting here* Hello! I'm an American student with a weird situation. I graduated from undergrad with a GPA below 3.0 (Second Lower Class in UK), waited 3 years and then went to a relatively prestigious law school and graduated in the top 5 of my class. I want to apply to Oxbridge (not for the BCL or an MPhil/LLM in law) for a masters, but I really don't know if I have a shot. To muddy the waters even further, I belong to one of the smallest minority groups at Oxbridge: African-American men. I'm not sure how this would factor, but I'm genuinely unsure of how I'd fare applying to these schools with my dismal undergraduate performance. Any guidance at all would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you
  3. Hello! I have a weird situation. I graduated from undergrad with a GPA below 3.0, waited 3 years and then went to a relatively prestigious law school and graduated in the top 5 of my class. I want to apply to Oxbridge (not for the BCL or an MPhil/LLM in law) for a masters, but I really don't know if I have a shot. To muddy the waters even further, I belong to one of the smallest minority groups at Oxbridge: African-American men. I'm not sure how this would factor, but I'm genuinely unsure of how I'd fare applying to these schools. Any guidance at all would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you
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