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Everything posted by Car

  1. Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone here was accepted into the Southern Miss program. I would love to connect with anyone going there!
  2. I would make a decision based on the over all environment the college provides. What I mean by this is pick somewhere that you can see yourself being very comfortable living there. If you are from a small town a program located in a city may be a bit overwhelming. You also need to look at the professors and how their personalities mesh with your own. Also if you have never been far away from family you may be uncomfortable for a while. I would pick a place that I know I would be comfortable and be able to see myself being happy in. I hope this helps!
  3. I applied, but I was placed on the waiting list.
  4. That is amazing!! Congratulations!! I got into my #3 Southern Miss!!
  5. Thanks! I never heard anything from them at all. No interview or anything. I do however get emails to go to events, but nothing that says I got accepted or denied. I even got a email telling me to remember to sign up for classes by April. It is soo weird. They are the only school I haven't heard back from yet. Also I hope your other interview went well, and that you were able to get into a school!!
  6. Hi i just found this forum and thought I would ask a question! Did anyone hear anything from University of North Texas? I have been checking my email and portal daily, but nothing has come in and it has been almost 4 months.
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