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Posts posted by ysznl37

  1. If you graduate with a US degree, do you still have to take the TOEFL?

    It depends. Some programs require a TOFEL score if I don't spend at least two years in US.

  2. From what I've heard - and take this for what it's worth, since I am a humanist - you are right. Engineering programs are concerned primarily with the GREQ, especially for non-native speakers. Is your TESOL score strong? That might be more important as far as judging your ability to perform well in classes.

    I'm gonna be transfered to US for my junior and senior year, so I haven't taken TEFOL yet. I don't know whether it is worthwhile to take GRE again. I have to spend a loooooong time to prepare for it. Maybe I could spend that time for better use which can help me more than a higher GRE score.

  3. My GRE score is V520 Q790. Do I need to take that again? Someone says engineering program only focuses on Q score, but my V is a little low and I want to apply for top10 programs. Would my V influence the application seriously? And I'm an international student, so Englisht is not my native language. I have to say that GRE is a nightmare to me. Thanks!

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