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Posts posted by mdas

  1. Hi, I am an international student (from the UK) who is looking to apply to PhD programs in Cancer Biology both in the US and UK. I am intimidated looking at everyone's profiles here (everyone seems to have a lot more experience than I do)! I have a good amount of research experience, but no publications as of yet - not sure if that's bad? 

    Please comment what you think / what I should work on! Thanks! 

    Undergrad Institution: King's College London (good reputation for biomedical sciences)
    Major(s): Biochemistry
    Minor(s): --
    GPA in Major: --
    Overall GPA: 74% (equivalent to 3.83)
    Position in Class: near top
    Type of Student: International, female, asian 

    GRE Scores (revised): planning on retaking - hopefully will be in the 160's this time round! 
    Q: 150
    V: 155
    AWA: haven't received yet (probably around 3.5 though)

    Research Experience: 

    - Have a home office license to conduct animal research/in vivo work (rare in the UK)

    - Spent 2 months working at a renowned PI's lab over the summer in breast cancer biology (Dr. Justin Stebbing) 

    - 12 months of full time experience (10+ hours a day) in cancer biology lab at MD Anderson Cancer Center - working on my own project, have gained skills in a lot of different techniques! 

    - Another 3-4 months of experience in cancer biology - writing my final year thesis on this project 

    ** No publications as of yet sadly ?

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: N/A ?

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Student Ambassador for Biomedical Sciences 

    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: not that i can think of... 

    Special Bonus Points: 

    - Fairly confident I will get a good LOR from my PI at MD Anderson 

    - Fairly confident my 2 other LORs will be well written too (one from the head of the Biochem department at King's, another from my current PI in the lab I am writing my thesis)

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:

    Applying to Where:


    Bart's Cancer Institute

    Institute of Cancer Research



    Imperial College London



    Francis Crick Institute 


    UC Berkeley 




    Memorial Sloan Kettering 


    Please let me know if this is unrealistic haha! Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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