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Posts posted by prepabostongirl

  1. On 7/28/2019 at 12:31 AM, Bird Vision said:

    If the adcom decides to reject you because of it, then so be it. Be honest and direct. If that does not get you in, do not try to subvert it.


    Edit: Maybe I misunderstand, but under what circumstance would the clicker situation be okay?

    Like I said, really bad judgement on my part but I never used clickers and others in the class did the same (not an excuse). I was caught and he made an example out of me unfortunately.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Sigaba said:

    I recommend that you spend some time researching the guidance/instructions offered by health professional programs. For example,  https://www.marquette.edu/pre-health-advising/institutional-action.php advises applicants as follows:

    The best strategy for students is to be completely honest about conduct issues, academic or otherwise. Any misrepresentation will hurt you far more than the underlying offense. It is clear from the wording in the common application services' instruction guides that the intent is that you report ANY action, regardless of whether or not the record has been expunged. It is a matter of personal responsibility and integrity how you choose to answer this question.

    Other institutions offer similar guidance.

    MOO, you have it in you to overcome the two mistakes you describe in your OP. By disclosing both events, you will have the opportunity to put those mistakes behind you and to go on with your life and your career.


    Agreed. I think my professor only reported me for the exam regrade alteration which I have the intention of disclosing but how would I move past this? (although the clicker issue happened which was a misunderstanding). I know admissions would probably toss out my app right away

  3. I am pre-PA/nursing. To preserve my identity, I will be referring to my main college as College X and the other institution as College Y.

    I am currently going into my senior year as a Biology major at College X. Since I was behind on my orgo sequence, I decided to take both sequences for transfer credit during this summer at College Y, which is not my main institution. The first sequence of Orgo there was a huge misunderstanding on my end regarding course policies-- my friend and I would use each other's clickers when we were late/missed in class questions. These questions were take home questions but clickers were done at the beginning of class of these take home problems. She did it for me when I came in late twice and I did it for her twice (but she did not attend class). Anyways, my professor caught on because he counted the # of students in the class, noticed she wasn't there, asked for my friend's clicker and I gave it to him. Later on, he ended up deducting all my clicker points from the date of the incident and before hand but said i was eligible for future clicker points. I asked if he would reconsider and after talking to the department head, he did and restored my points but only gave me 50% credit for it. He said I violated University's academic integrity policy. (These clickers are a relatively big part of our grade) He didn't report me for it to the University but he had his own record of what happened. Therefore, there is no formal report of what happened. This was a genuine mistake and I was unaware this constituted as plagiarism but I never told him about my friend doing the same for me because I wanted to prevent her from getting in trouble as well which may have been stupid on my part. 

    For the second sequence, another incident happened in which I take 100% responsibility for. I was in a very weak place in my life as I had just learned that my grandfather who lives in another country had passed due to a stroke. (I know this is not an excuse) Personal reasons and the pressure to succeed created a lapse in judgement, I didn't get the grade I wanted on my exam so I requested for an exam regrade and changed two words on the exam. Because he photocopies exams, he caught it and gave me an F for the course and reported the incident to the dean's office. I met with him and my department head yesterday about what happened, and he informed me that on the form he wrote down his own sanctions for me (which was failing for the course) and he checked the box that stated "I request no further action" and cited the incident in the first sequence of orgo that occurred as justification for Failing me for Orgo 2. My professor said that he would like to avoid a hearing so that's why he requested no further action. The other option was "I Recommend Separate Disciplinary Actions be Initiated by the Office of Judicial Affairs" which he did not check off.

    Yes I do admit fault in both circumstances. The first incident was a genuine misunderstanding of use of clickers and course policy. This second incident I am completely ashamed and embarrassed of, it was a very low point for me- not to dismiss what I did. My professor now hates me and probably will hold a grudge towards me for this. Not only this but this may jeopardize my future potentially. Please reserve any harsh and rude comments regarding my circumstance.

    So my question although the dean's office is notified of the professor's sanctions because this is not going through a formal hearing (since I am not appealing it), is this incident that occurred in Orgo 2 considered an academic institutional action (IA)/conduct violation that I have to report? There was no additional sanctions in a disciplinary aspect that was taken against me so am I required to report it? If I am, please let me know of ways of how I improve myself/prove to grad schools that I have changed and this was an isolated incident that I take responsibility for? I'm going to be a senior next month and my cGPA is already not that high to begin with (3.15) and I feel like this will completely sink my application if i have to report it. I have no intention of hiding the exam regrade conduct violation. How do I move forward in terms of applying to grad school?

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