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Posts posted by gradapp514

  1. How do people handle moving across the country, e.g. from California to New York, or Alabama to Oregon? Or even more than a couple of states over? Do you hire a moving service? Is it more cost-effective to take your furniture with you or to buy it there? And if you’re taking your car with you to the campus, do you drive it all the way there or have it car shipped? If you're hoping to get a teaching assistantship and the program offers a barely-livable stipend for the academic year, how do you cover moving expenses? I’m considering applying to grad schools that are far away and want to see if it’ll be feasible to go there if I get in.

  2. I'm not in yet but considering applying to master's programs for the first time. Do most schools have campus housing options for graduate students? Is campus housing typically more or less expensive than finding your own apartment off-campus? 

    What about dining hall access and meal plans?

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