PhD without an anthropology background?
Hi guys, a first-time poster here. Hope everyone is enjoying a nice summer.
I am currently doing a master degree in urban planning, with some project and conference experience in international development and environment protection. I am interested in anthropology of environment issues, and I am considering applying for a PhD in Anthropology this year for fall 2020. The problem is that I didn't do and will not have a anthropology degree in my undergrads and my master's studies. I have checked some department pages of the PhD programs and found that a degree in anthropology is not required, but I'm not sure if an anthropology BA or MA is actually required for a good anthropology PhD program. I have a BA in linguistics, which might be useful for anthropology research, but would that also be an advantage if I apply for a anthropology PhD focusing on environment protection?
Also I am concerned with the LoRs. At this stage I think I can find strong recommendations from professors doing urban planning, sociology and linguistics, but not professors from the anthropology department. Would that be my weakness in applying for a anthropology program?
Please feel free to share your ideas. Thanks in advance.