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Posts posted by martinaa

  1. Hello,

    I'm hoping you seasoned grads can help me; I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment. I graduated in 2007 from a Canadian university with a BA in English/Theatre (this is technically exactly the same thing as a BFA in Theatre/English). I had decent grades, my average in my final year was an -A, but I was never very close with my profs, definitely didn't do the networking thing. Now, I'm thinking to take a couple classes this fall to boost my average and reconnect with some of my better profs, and apply to grad schools. I'd like to get either a Masters in Theatre with a focus on Theatre Criticism and History, OR, a Masters in Creative Writing.

    Is this plan naive? what am I doing wrong? do I need to take more undergrad classes, or will my -A average be sufficient when accompanied with a portfolio for arts programs?

    How does one ask for recommendation letters? Do you ask the same profs for recommendations to all the schools you apply to? What's the correct etiquette regarding these matters?

    I come from a tiny town in rural Canada and would be the first person in my family to get an MA, please help an uneducated bumpkin.

    Oh, I should also mention I have dual citizenship and would certainly consider going to the US, but am unclear of my chances of getting funding. Yes, Funding, how does that work? Do I need to percolate for several more years before a fellowship or something is within my reach?

    Thank you,


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