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Everything posted by Bigredbear

  1. You interviewed with some great programs. I actually didnt make it to the interview with Ross haha. Hopefully you hear positive news from at least one. And yeah, I think qualitative research is really cool. The main thing that made my decision was how great my experience with the faculty and students at BC was
  2. I've let them know :). I accepted an offer from Boston College. Are you on any waitlists/waiting to hear back from certain programs? Feel free to PM me
  3. How's the process going for everyone? I accepted an offer yesterday and I'm glad it's finally over
  4. Interviewed with Cornell today. I think I underperformed. Sucks since it was my top choice.
  5. I think we applied to different VCUs. In your post it says you applied to Victoria Commonwealth. I applied to Virginia Commonwealth
  6. I got an interview with one of my top choices (woooo). What can I expect during the interview? And at this stage, stuff like test scores and GPA don't matter, right?
  7. Got an offer from Auburn today. They want to hear back by Feb 14 though. Apparently they're not a part of the April 15 thing. That worries me a bit because I like their faculty, but I also havent heard back from my top choices and would like to wait it out
  8. Also an OB applicant. Applied to 11 and heard from two
  9. Hey there. I also applied to ASU and Miami :). Good luck!
  10. Hey guys! I might be a little late to the party. I'm applying to OB and management and organizations programs for fall 2020. I applied to 11 programs total. So far I've heard from two. South Carolina and VCU. I was wondering if anyone has heard from Michigan Ross or Cornell ILR yet?
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