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Posts posted by Hui0524

  1. 14 hours ago, Cats&Coffee said:

    Thanks for that! Yeah, I know Biber is just about to retire. If I went to NAU, I would want Taguchi as my advisor (pragmatics), but would be happy also to work with Biber and Reppen before they both retire soon. They are legends and it feels like I'm wasting an opportunity to take classes with them if I don't go. But at the same time, CL is not my primary area of interest and UA has more options for socio and qualitative or mixed methods, which is a direction I might want to go in. Staples is my POI at UA. I've had an online meeting with her recently and I think she's great.

    UA seems to offer all of my potential areas of interest: pragmatics, CL, and socio, plus people with expertise in different methodologies: quant and qual. So I guess I'm leaning towards UA for those reasons. But I have a sense that NAU is generally considered a stronger program. Am I wrong about that? And maybe the faculty are better known at NAU? I already turned down Hawai'i and GSU, and those are really strong programs too. But the funding wasn't as good as NAU and UA. I'm still second-guessing myself about turning those down! I was nominated for a fellowship at GSU and would have definitely gone there, but I didn't get it. The TAship funding is pretty low. ?

    I guess the problem is that all the programs are really good, so whatever I choose, I'm turning down working with amazing people everywhere else. I know I'm super lucky to have this choice to make. But it's haaard!!!

    I'm sorry you didn't get the offer from NAU. Did you definitely decide to go to UA now? Maybe we will be there together!

    Whatever you choose, you’ll become a star in applied linguistics area for sure! It’s amazing to get so many offers! 

    I will wait ISU by the end of March. If I can’t get the offer, I’ll definitely go to UA. ?

  2. 14 hours ago, Siangee said:

    Hey guys! Wow I'm probably too late to join, but I really want to be a part of this conversation!


    I applied to four programs and here are my results so far:


    Iowa State U Applied Linguistics and Technology - Accepted (and I have decided to attend this program!) 

    Northern Arizona U Applied Linguistics - Accepted 

    Simon Fraser U Linguistics - Waiting for decision 

    Georgia State U Applied Linguistics - Waiting for decision 


    My specific interest is in corpus linguistics and register variation. So glad to find people here interested in applied linguistics!

    Congratulations! ISU’s program is wonderful! Can you share when you got the acceptance letter? And what about the funding information?  My status is still under review, and my POI told me to wait. I really look forward to hearing from them. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Cats&Coffee said:

    Hey, everybody! Is anyone else going crazy trying to decide? OMG I'm really stuck. Narrowed down to NAU and U of Arizona SLAT. At least I know I'll be moving to Arizona! Officially turned down two awesome programs today and that was hard. I created a spreadsheet to compare all the schools, but it's to a point now where I just keep looking at it and not getting anywhere in my mind. Anybody know students or faculty in either program personally? Am I the only one obsessing like this???

    I know Dr. Biber at NAU is wonderful, but he told me he’s gonna retired and doesn’t recruit new PhD students. I also met a student from NAU applied linguistics master program. He suggested me to reach out to Dr. Egbert, who is also a great professor. 

    I don’t get NAU offer? I know Dr. Tardy and Dr. Staples are great professors at UA. I met them at ASU SSLW.  Students at UA also recommended me the two professors. 

  4. On 3/2/2020 at 6:48 PM, sarahma789 said:

    Hello all! I applied to these MA programs in November:

    University of Virginia

    University of Delaware

    Boston University

    And then my whole life got flipped on its head and I filled out 2 more applications at the last minute:

    Colorado University - Boulder

    Indiana University - Bloomington


    I was admitted to Delaware! With zero funding, so I really have to think about whether I want to do that or not. I'm really hoping CU or IU works out even though it was so last minute. Do you think this would affect my chances?

    A little more about me: I majored in Spanish and got a MA in Instruction from a tiny college in Minnesota in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Moved and started teaching in the Denver area. I really liked the kids and I loved engaging in language education with them, but all the other bs around a teaching career really wore me down. Maybe as an older adult I would consider returning but K-12 education is tough. I'm open to TA spots but again in a MA program I don't know what I'll have available to me. I was advised not to apply directly to PhD programs since I don't have a formal education in Linguistics, only a Phonetics elective as part of my major. Which I ADORED and has led me here! Looking forward to learning from you all.

    Congratulations! Delaware is great! I feel MA programs seldom offer much funding, but some do offer fellowships. You still have chance! And you can also apply for RA, TA and GA positions when you study there. 

    If you submit all application materials before ddl, I think it should be fine. If you still didn’t hear from them yet, maybe asking the admission office to check would be helpful. 

    Finger crossed! I hope you can get in your ideal program soon! 

  5. 13 hours ago, Cats&Coffee said:

    Hi everybody! Just wanted to join the applied linguistics/SLA conversation. ? I'm in the process of deciding where to go. Here is my situation:


    University of Hawaii-Manoa SLS accepted

    Georgia State App Ling accepted

    University of Arizona SLAT accepted

    Northern Arizona App Ling accepted

    Michigan State SLS waitlisted

    Georgetown App Ling rejected (was my first choice...sigh)

    U Penn Educational Linguistics rejected


    Have you all heard more yet? What areas of applied linguistics are you interested in? I'm interested in pragmatics in World Englishes snd sociolinguistics of multilingualism.

    Hi I also got in UA SLAT. I’m interested in second language writing and corpus linguistics. Last week my poi at Iowa state still told me they were making decisions and let me keep waiting. I think I may make my decision between the two. 

    If you are also from China, we can talk through wechat. 

    My WeChat: smileyouki 

  6. 23 hours ago, noemie12 said:


    I am the person who applied to Iowa State and got an unofficial acceptance.

    I am currently a student at IUB, and I did not apply anywhere else than Iowa State. I am now deciding between the two but it is hard. :( So far I have decided Iowa State but Indiana University is such a great university that it is hard to leave. 

    Good luck to everyone and I hope you get positive answers back soon!

    Congratulations! Both of them are great universities! Thank you for letting me know. 

  7. 58 minutes ago, charlottez said:

    hi I am the one who posted about UW-Madison

     Just wondering if you applied for the curriculum&Instruction program in UW-Madison?  When did you receive the reply from them? Have you contact any POI in advance?  I am hesitated about whether i should ask the admission team or keep waiting.

     Congrat on your other admission! They look good!  

    Hi Charlottez, yes, curriculum & instruction in UW-Madison. I got the email on Feb. 4th. I didn't contact any POI before submitting the application. And the school system lost one of my reference letters, they informed me after ddl. But it was already in winter break, the recommender didn't check the inbox. I had to ask a professor from my undergraduate program to write the letter. Anyway, the rejection from UW-Madison is not to my surprise.

    I saw they also sent rej letter to others, you didn't get it means you still have chance. Since the ddl is 12/1, I think it is totally fine to ask the admission. Maybe an anonymous call to ask when they will make final decision would be a good choice. Best luck! 

    BTW, did you apply UF and Indiana University? 

  8. Hi, I am the person who posted on "result" page of ISU. Most of the programs that I applied are related to applied linguistics, but I also applied a few bilingual education program, because my graduate program is TESOL. My current situation is as below:


    UIC: ad 

    University of Wisconsin: Rej

    University of Florida: in review

    Indiana University: in review


    Applied Linguistics:

    IUP: ad with half GAship

    ISU: interview on Jan.16, still in review

    University of Arizona (SLAT): enter the final round, ask for official transcript on Feb.5, but no updates since then

    MSU (second language studies): rej

    ASU: in review

    PSU: in reivew

    NAU: in reivew

    UIUC: in review 

    GSU: in review


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