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Oliver Lyons

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Posts posted by Oliver Lyons

  1. Got rejected from UChicago's PHD but am currently being considered for the MAPH program. I've read some less than heartening reviews of MAPH on gradcafe, but is it really as poorly received as people seem to indicate? What attracts me to the program is that my research is heavily involved with art, philosophy, and literature and Chicago would allow me to take courses across all these areas. My B.A is in English lit, and I would hope that MAPH would help give me the philosophical and artistic academic background to advance further in my studies/research. I'm hoping to do a very interdisciplinary PHD and I am wondering if this would help set me on the right course or if MAPH is just not well regarded and not worth pursuing. I've been accepted to more traditional english MA programs (NYU and UVA) but not sure if these would be better or worse options given my field of interest. NYU certainly has strong Philosophy faculty, but their english program is seemingly quite rigid, allowing only 2 courses to be taken outside the dpt. of english. UVA is more flexible and certainly a respectable choice but the philosophy faculty is not really anything to jump up and down about.  

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