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Posts posted by oaktreechemist

  1. 35 minutes ago, jasbee said:

    To continue from everyone's posts yesterday - I'm a second year neuroscience PhD student applying for the GRFP for the first time. I went back and forth between applying under Life Sciences - Neuroscience and Psychology - Cognitive Neuroscience, because my overall PhD program is under the life sciences umbrella but my lab is in psychiatry department and specific project falls more under the cog neuro side. I ended up applying under Psychology - Cognitive Neuroscience, and I guess we'll see if that was the right decision or not... 

    Does anyone else have a weird feeling they're going to get honorable mention? I'm almost convinced I'm going to get HM since my application was overall good (I think the personal statement was pretty strong and I do some fairly unique scientific outreach, but my project proposal wasn't as good as I would like it to be - I wish I had another page to clarify everything), but I'm a second year PhD student with no publications and think I'll probably get dinged for that and there's so many qualified people applying. HM would be nice, but with my lab's current funding situation I could really use the stipend. 

    You never know! I’ve see a lot of recipients who have no publications, very low GPAs, some with excellent academic record but no extracurricular involvement or broader impact mentioned — I don’t think there’s a set mold for what they’re looking for. Of course everything you can add to your application will strengthen it, but based on previous years the whole process seems a little random to me? I’m not sure if others feel the same way. There has been people who get all ”excellent” marks and don’t get awarded and some that get a couple “fair” ratings and get the award. I guess all we can do now is wait and hope for the best :) 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Aye AI, Matey! said:

    I'm also a 2nd year PhD student applying for the first time. I applied under Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE).


    Also a 2nd year Ph.D. applying for the first time! Chemistry - Macromolecular, Supramolecular, Nanochemistry 

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