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Everything posted by radiatepositivity

  1. I applied to full time BSW at Dal and got in my status changed yesterday to accepted! but I didn't get an email
  2. I applied to Carleton BSW, I know this is for an MSW but if anyone heard anything yet can you please let me know
  3. Best of luck to you, I just genuinely dislike how they are not going to get back to us till mid May! I am waiting on Carleton and I just made the minimum gpa requirement (B) for them. They are starting to reach out to people this week! No I have not looked into Manitoba but if I do not get in this year I am going to figure out another plan!
  4. I feel like dal also take forever to come up with their decisions. Most school said end of april by dalhousie is mid May
  5. Hi! that's what I am wondering as well. I applied to dal full time BSW however, I am hoping it isn't as competitive as other schools
  6. Thats amazing! I think you have more than enough experience. Also you do have an undergrad so that may work in your advantage
  7. amazing! hope you get in! I was wondering what type of experience do you have? I just graduated this year.. I was hoping to do a masters but I missed the deadline so I applied to BSW
  8. Thought I would start this forum to communicate with anyone who applied for BSW in Canada!!
  9. Hi, I know this forum is for Masters but I applied to Carleton for BSW and I was wondering when do people typically hear back? I also have an undergrad and have worked with legal aid lawyer, internship with non profit organization, and helped somalian refugees as well, I volunteer with my church as well. My gpa is a 3.2 I know its not super high but I was wondering if I would still be well considered? super nervous
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