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Everything posted by mswbell

  1. I don't think so. If you find/start one, let me know!
  2. I got accepted into York's 1 Year BSW program on the 24th (just got the email today), but I declined as I got into a MSW program. So hopefully others will hear shortly about their programs at York.
  3. Congrats! I will be there too
  4. Declined my offer for the 1 year HBSW program at Lakehead Orillia today. Hopefully someone on the waitlist will be accepted! Good luck everyone!
  5. I heard yesterday via email that I got in. I will be turning down my offer though because I got into an MSW program. We have until May 8 to decide.
  6. The Windsor location. I didn't realize they had a location in Peel.
  7. For the May 2020 I found out online through LORIS and also got a letter in the mail. Never got an email.
  8. No I never got waitlisted. Which confused me because I thought other people got accepted a few weeks ago for the program and others were already waitlisted. I assumed when I hadn't heard anything, I wasn't going to get in. But I got the email around 2ish this afternoon and the acceptance letter was on egas
  9. Got accepted to Windsor's 2 year MSW program today! Didn't get into Laurier (May 2020) or Western though. Anyone know if there is a Facebook group yet?
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