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Everything posted by farrugi

  1. Thank you so much! No problem! I graduated from a BASc at the University of Guelph in June 2019 with a degree in Child Youth and Family studies with a minor in psychology and a focus on youth development. Had an 85% cumulative average. Have 5 years experience in human service (group homes, mental health agencies, summer camps, YMCA daycares, section 23 schools and spent the last year working as a nanny in the UK). Was rejected at Kings and Laurier. Heard about waitlist on March 27 and was accepted April 22. I was notified via email that I needed to check egas and saw my offer of acceptance and scholarship there. I also received an email a few weeks ago requesting my transcript again (for some reason). I asked about waitlist numbers and rankings but they didn't tell me anything. To my understanding they put a certain amount of qualifying applicants on the waitlist but don't rank them right away (hence why they say they can't release your rank when you hear you've been waitlisted because they don't even know yet). Then once acceptances are sent they use the 3 weeks that accepted students are given to accept their offer to process and rank the remaining waitlist applicants AGAIIN (I had an update on egas that said my application was "in process" since January 31 and then updated to "in process" again April 17..I imagine that's when I was "re-assessed" and when they needed my transcript again). This is what I'm assuming from reading about waitlist processes from schools that don't release ranks, but I could be wrong. To my knowledge the waitlist is not very long, and now that majority of acceptances were sent I imagine many people are accepting and denying admissions and therefore more waitlist applicants are being accepted. I hope that was decently helpful....wishing you the best of luck!
  2. Accepted off the waitlist for University of Windsor 2-year non-BSW full time program! Was waitlist on March 26 and got accepted today (April 22). Best of luck everyone! Seems they're moving through the waitlist quickly!
  3. Thank you so much! Was accepted off the waitlist today! Best of luck!
  4. Hey there! Was waitlisted on March 26 and was just ACCEPTED to the 2 year non-BSW full time program today at 11am!
  5. Hey everyone, On the waitlist for UWinds 2 year non BSW MSW. Anyone know more about the waitlist? Or was accepted to UWinds and is declining their offer? I got an email from the grad secretary yesterday saying they needed my transcript because they’re reviewing my application...don’t know why they wouldn’t have it in the first place. Anyone else hear anything like this? Hoping they’re reviewing my application to accept me off the waitlist ... Best of luck
  6. Hey! I applied to the same three programs ! I was rejected at Laurier (my dream program) and Western (only took 20 students out gf 200 applicants) and was waitlisted at Windsor. Have you heard anything?? Best of luck!
  7. Hey everyone, I applied for my MSW for the first time after taking a year off. Over the past few weeks, i received rejections from both Kings (Western) 2 year MSW and Laurier's 2 year MSW (on Thursday April 9 at 3:30pm). I also heard that I was waitlisted at UWindsor. When I emailed for details they wouldn't give me any details about the number of acceptances, number of people on the waitlist, or where I rank on the waitlist. Wondering if anyone knows anything about the number of people on the waitlist, if anyone could share their experience of being accepted off of the waitlist at UWinds or is currently on the waitlist for Fall 2020. I'm getting really nervous as this is my only option left and I was only told that I could be accepted up until September 10th. Best of luck to everyone
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