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Everything posted by maryelizabeth

  1. claiming an emory rejection that arrived late yesterday. ah well.
  2. Where does one find the "results page" here?
  3. @gingin6789 thanks for letting me know. i haven't heard from them yet, so here's hoping. in other news: rejection is protection. you don't want anyone that doesn't want you. good luck in your endeavors <3
  4. @gin gin - what emory program did you apply to?
  5. That's what I want to do when I read this page. Are there no average Joe's out there like myself? Ya know, 3.5 gpa'er and below average test scores, but with amazing recommendations and writing samples. I do hope it's not all in the numbers... I guess the average Joe's aren't reading this page. Which is probably what I should do.
  6. I am looking at International Relations/Studies programs at all the usual institutions, but I was wondering if anyone new about the program at The New School in NY. I know the school has a good rep in NY and of course everyone knows about Parsons. But how is it respected in the IR/IS world? And if anyone has gone there or knows someone who did, how was the job search afterwards. Thanks so much, y'all. m
  7. maryelizabeth

    Atlanta, GA

    decatur, ga is all you need to know. you can ride your bike to emory from decatur and it's the most friendly walking area in atl.
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