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Everything posted by MelissaT

  1. I got into uoft but ended up moving so I won't be attenting uoft. Blah
  2. Ugh, me too
  3. Anybody have any information/update? I sent an email and was informed we will be hearing this month...
  4. hoping for some information soon too!
  5. due to York being hacked
  6. It's May, we should be hearing from Laurier soon! please keep me posted if you hear anything! best of luck to all!
  7. Hi friends, please keep me updated if you hear from Laurier's pt online msw program September start date! best of luck to all!
  8. I'm 100% with you in this...
  9. I applied for September start date. I didn't get an email stating those numbers but that's terrifying!
  10. I applied to Laurier's part time MSW online program and haven't heard yet...
  11. Has anybody heard from Laurier's part time online program?
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