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Posts posted by Melilline

  1. Please help me to decide and to identify more pros and cons for each scenario.

    Goal: Career change; Break into academia.

    Idealist plan: PhD in System Dynamics @ STERN or PhD in Neuroeconomics @ NYU

    Realist plan: Lab manager / Data analyst / Bioinformatician


    Scenario 1: MS in Information Systems @ Baruch College. Presential classes. $17,000 total (future) investment. Should take 1.5 years to finish.

    Scenario 2: MS in Bioinformatics @ University of Maine. Fully online. $21,000 total investment. Should take 1 to 2 years to complete.


    I moved to the US in 2016. My husband is a scientist, and he got a position in the US. At 27, I had a pretty good mid-career corporate position in our home country, but the economy was falling apart and it wasn't worth to stay there. I hold a BS in mathematics and a graduate certificate in finance, and I had a pretty decent track of achievements in my home country. All of that fell apart in the US.

    I started a MS in Information Systems at Baruch College in 2017, but fell severely sick shortly after, leading to severe financial hardship. I had to drop from the college.

    I studied only one term, finished 6 credits with a insufferable 2.7 GPA, and had to withdrawn from the other 2 courses I inadvertently tried to do(but couldn't because of pain).

    The health issue is super relevant to the decision, so please bear with me: ended up, I have a genetic disorder and in my home country they just used to give intravenous opioids whenever I was in pain. I did not "fell" sick when I arrived in  the US, I just lost access to my medical network and did not have any pain control. Now, I'm diagnosed, but I still don't have access to pain meds.... I have physical therapy twice a week and take anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxers and sleeping pills,  plus manage the pain with Kratom (legal herbal tea). 

    In January, we were finally granted permanent residency to the US and I can use FAFSA to go back to school. I'm averagely employed, earning about $50k/year in a position I do not cherish and I want to change. I've been helping my husband with his job for years, and honestly, I want the flexibility academia provides. I've done lots of data analysis for him and its def something I would be very happy doing as a professional.

    So here's the dilemma. Should I go back to Baruch? 

    MIS @ Baruch pros:

    1. Baruch is a some-what respected school of business;

    2. I already started, and looks bad being a drop-out.

    3. Good job market outlook, aligns with my background.

    4. Might give me more leverage to pursue a PhD in System Dynamics at Stern, granted I manage to reverse the initial stain.

    MIS @ Baruch cons:

    1. Because of my GPA, I'm not eligible to work-study, grants, or other benefits.

    2. It will show the bad GPS  and withdraws on my records after I graduate.

    3. It's presential, so I will need accommodations to attend and may take longer to finish - because pain.

    4. I want to work in academia, and in the short term I see no clear path from Baruch to academia. Maybe I'm shortsighted?? 


    Bioinformatics @ UMaine Pros:

    1. Fully online. I can take more classes at once, maybe even finish in a year.

    2. Academia-focused institution. If I'm smart on how I network I can easily secure a research assistant position in a lab in collaboration with them. There are a few in NYC.

    3. Its fun to do and I like it best.

    4. No bad GPA/ withdrawn in my transcripts.

    Bioinformatics @ UMaine Cons:

    1. Rural institution, I'm unsure about its reputation. I doubt I could use it to gain admittance to MIT.

    2. Far from me, will be harder to network and I may end up anonymous to my professors.

    3. Out of water fish trying to change careers. Uncertain transition.


    Thanks y'all.

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