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Posts posted by Jssaab

  1. You never said what you would do with your degree? You said you enjoy theoretical physics and proofs in math. Looks  like you enjoy solving puzzles not applying the pieces.

    Looking at academics or an industry job? Applied math is more sought after in the private sector, I would even say without it you could be unemployable so stats and real analysis are key.

    That said, you need some sort of coding, actually lots of programming experience. I did not see that. Even for PhD programs its the coding that is needed now. knowing the maths and being about to code the algorithms is key to getting a spot. All teh old well known Economists, statisticians can't code for squat and anyone getting an interview with a pulse and coding experience gets a huge leg up. They all want data hounds to do the analysis they can't manage. 

    I had an undergrad degree at an elite Liberal Arts school in Theoretical Mathematics and Econ but loaded up on AI and machine learning, and could not beat off the offers. I got into Yale Econ, Northwestern Applied math,  Cornell Econ, Columbia Math, UVA. UVA offered no teaching, and summer $$. I had an undergrad GPA way lower than yours, but worked 2 years for AidData and the FTC crunching #'s and programming anayses.

    So, if you do go for a master's, take as many courses to learn as much as you can leanring any coding language you can... best investment you could make, academically and in the private sector. 


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