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Posts posted by rorado

  1. 12 hours ago, greeeen said:

    Hi rorado--that's awesome!! I'm glad to find someone in the same boat as me.
    Yeah, I've had the same issue when researching which programs to apply to, because some programs may be more design- and others more tech-focused. Sorry to hear about your experience with SJSU though. I've heard good things about ITP, I don't know if you're considering it, but if you're interested, this podcast (though it's from 2016) helped me gain a lot of insight into the types of people that applied and what they typically seek in a program like the ones we are applying for.

    I definitely feel you on the hope of finding something that is insightful and challenging after the program. I'd love to talk with ya more if you want a buddy to keep you accountable, because I could benefit from it as well, so let me know!

    Thanks for directing me to the ITP podcast! I did look into that program, but it seemed much more expensive than the other programs and I thought it might have been too focused on hardware. But those were just assumptions, so I should try and do some more research. 

    And yes, I'd totally love to connect! 

  2. Hi greeeen, so weird, I've got the same background as you. Been a SWE in SF for 5 years, came from SJSU CS. Been wanting to branch out from traditional SWE job and have always been interested in UX/UI design. Quarantine may be a blessing because it actually gives me time to work on apps/portfolio ?. Was planning on applying to Parsons DT, Pratt IXD, SVA ID. Apps due in Dec/Jan so I'm trying to work on it slowly to not get overwhelmed. It's been tough though, deciding which programs to apply for because everything sounds so similar. I'm really concerned about applying to programs that require coding classes (because I already know that stuff) and/or basically not teaching you anything (my experience with SJSU). These schools just cost so much money. I'm not even really that concerned about guaranteeing me a job afterwards, I just wanna make sure they are insightful and challenging. 

    Any concerns with you? 

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