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Posts posted by gvx630

  1. 17 hours ago, GradSchoolGrad said:

    You are asking a really unfair question. The better question to ask. What is the best government affairs program for XYZ purpose. 

    The one with the broad based brand overall in English speaking areas is likely Oxford.

    IR in terms of security issues, I would argue Oxford as well.

    The one best for working with IGOs in Central Europe may I dare say Graduate Institute in Geneva (Granted I'm sure that is controversial.

    Central Europe Specific would probably be Hertie School

    Analytical Academic Research - Sciences Po 

    See what I'm getting at? (and I'm sure someone would disagree with targeted identification, but generally agree I'm on the right track)

    Same story with US schools - it depends on what you are trying to aim for career wise / education access wise. 

    Would you mind elaborating more on why you chose Scineces Po as a top school for analytical academic research?

  2. 34 minutes ago, GradSchoolGrad said:

    What is your story?

    As in.

    1. General academic background in undergrad (internships, major academic experiences, and etc.)

    2. Do you know what you want to do after graduation? If the answer is yes... tell me what areas you are thinking and how sure you are. If the answer is no... tell me why you think Oxford is helpful.

    General background - historically Oxford has been a good destination for US students thinking of doing a 1 years Master's straight from undergrad. They USED to target high achieving students from undergrad (my sister was one of them). HOWEVER... they have been making a huge effort to really professionalize their MPP program to be competitive with US schools. So the main student body is aged 25 to 35.

    For those from undergrad, an Oxford MPP could be a great resume booster, to give you credential validation while only spending 1 year in grad school. HOWEVER... its a 2 year US program where you fully get the full range of professional networking + experiential learning + figuring out what policy/functional areas that you care about. 

    1) I am a second-generation immigrant, born and raised in Greece. I graduated with honours in IR from a top local university, albeit unknown internationally. I have completed internships at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and at the top national think-tank. Most important achievments come from experiences abroad. In 2018, I won a scholarship from a major internet company, to research digital policy in Estonia. In 2019, I completed research at a top Hungarian university on Cold War. I have been invited by the Council of Europe to a consultation on artificial intelligence, and I have been invited to a leadership seminar in Malta, where I worked with other prominent young policymakers to create a peace initiative and present it in front of Heads of States and Members of the European Parliament. I have written extensively on issues of digital policy and have been published on the local edition of the Foreign Affairs magazine. Last but not least, I have held leadership positions in three student clubs.

    2) I want to focus on the intersection of digital policy/transformation and human rights. In the long-term, I want to be involved with national politics (I am also involved with a local party). I am mostly attracted to Oxford due to its brand name of course, but also due to the length of the progam. I agree with you, that a 2 year US program is ideal, however a) Considering I want to work in local politics and/or the EU, I don't think a US university network is very useful b) The debt from a 2 year US program seems like a really heavy burden

  3. Applying to: MPP or IR @ Sciences Po, Oxford, LSE, SAIS, Tsinghua
    Nationality: Greek, Albanian (Second-generation immigrant)
    Undergraduate institution: Top Greek University
    Undergraduate GPA: 3.8/4.0
    Undergraduate Major: International Relations 
    Languages Skills: Greek, English, French
    Relevant Work Experience: Intern at Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Human Rights), Intern at top Greek think-tank (EU Affairs), Intern at Hungarian University (Cold War Studies)
    Publications: Authored three papers on technology and global affairs; one of them published by the Foreign Affairs Magazine (Greek Edition)
    Awards: Airbnb Scholarship: Three week research project in Estonia (Digital Policy)
    Council of Europe Scholarship: Attended a Seminar/Consultation on Artificial Intelligence (All Paid)
    Club de Madrid Scholarship: Attended a Leadership Workshop in Malta (All Paid) 
    Strength of SOP: Strong focus on technology and policy. Clearly articulating my aspirations of becoming a policy-maker.
    Strength of LOR: Two strong academic letters; one of them from a fairly successful professor. One professional letter from a top Greek political scientist (not so strong though).
    Other: Director at Debate Club, Vice-President at MUN Club, Team Leader at Student NGO (Youth Unemployment), Global Shapers Community Member.


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