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Posts posted by zabeeba

  1. 22 hours ago, JennSed said:


    I took the GRE for U of A. I felt I did really poorly on the quant section so I retook it and improved, but that still only put me at the 34th percentile which I was really worried about. I got accepted to U of A and am currently in the program, and everyone I've asked in my program got around that as well. Some people even got in the teens-20's percentile rank and still got accepted. I can't speak to Dalhousie specifically, but it doesn't seem like the GRE is highly weighted. If anything, I think maybe they focus more on the written and verbal sections since the program is so linguistically based. In my opinion, 48th percentile is actually a really high score for quant (considering we aren't like engineers or math majors), so I wouldn't bother wasting your time and money to retake it! Honestly, I think for the most part they use the GRE requirement as a way to "weed" people out (I.e. some people see that requirement and don't bother even applying because of it), so it reduces applicants to people that will put in the extra work of the GRE or show they are dedicated to do whatever requirements to get into that school. 

    Hope that helps!

    That did help!! Thank you so much for your super thorough response, I really appreciate it. I don't know anyone applying to SLP since I kinda went off on my own from my batch to apply and really needed some advice. Thank you once again!!

  2. Hi! Did anyone here take the GRE for Dalhousie SLP? Dalhousie keeps its evaluations of GRE percentiles real mysterious. I'm wondering if you have any tips on when to stop retaking it?


    I took it once and got a high-enough percentile for verbal and essays, and 48th percentile for quant with a score of 153 (even though math is what I practiced my head off for). I usually got 51st-61st percentile during quant practice so I feel like I can do better. It may be just pride to want to retake it just to likely move up a few points, but I also don't that to hurt me especially that I'm applying with an average/just below average GPA. I also don't want to retake it for the next application cycle if I don't get in this time around cuz I don't wanna start practice all over again. What do you think? Some people have been saying the GRE isn't that big of a factor in admissions, but I'm not sure. Thank you so much!!

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