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Everything posted by poliscihopeful

  1. Naw, man, Ms. Knight is a) nice and responded to email requests with great speed. I'll say it: I am pro-Marylu Knight. Too bad I got rejected.
  2. I've been waitlisted at Chicago. Anybody have an idea what the chances are that they send an offer, and when? Thanks ya'll.
  3. Duke'll let us know in the next week. Decisions made.
  4. I'm going to call Duke today. I need to find out an answer before Feb 25 - the day my spouse submits the list for medical residency programs. Would be great to live in the same city, after all...! I'll let you know what happens.
  5. Akh, ty durak Dzhon! I was rejected by Yale. Those magnificent bastards. I feel like I've let Dean Acheson down. I'm going to shave off this ridiculous mustache.
  6. Hey pollytheory - get back to work.
  7. "While I cannot provide financial details until the results of the Fellowship competition are known, be assured that with this offer of admission we are committed to providing you a very competitive five year package of tuition and stipend support." Yep yep yep. Same for all. OSU has increased funding this year for their polisci program, so I think it'll be good news to those that accept and head off to the jewel of the Midwest, Columbus, Ohio. (And enjoy the overcast cloudy skies 60% of the days!)
  8. I received an email from OSU. Dare I go back to Columbus? What will the Michiganders in my family say? Where'd you go to HS rlayla?
  9. I had heard that Yale is mid-March. Am I the only one who thinks that? I'd be thrilled about being wrong here. All i have is this stupid little 3 X 5 with the dates written down for projected acceptances from all my programs... but I have no idea where I got this information anymore. When do I get "caffeinated," dammit!
  10. Ehhhhhh!!!! I'm "pending" as well. Well, they can get pent!
  11. Nada! Nichego! Hic bir sey! I had such high hopes for UNC today...
  12. Didn't an earlier post say Tuesdays and Wednesdays are favorites to make or break our dreams? A bunch of coworkers have all applied to some of the same schools (is this a big negative for us all?), so we keep working ourselves into a lather with each passing day...
  13. OSU this week - shouldn't surprise, they told me a long time ago that last week Jan/first week Feb would be when they throw out acceptances. Since they didn't want writing samples in the slightest, it makes sense they should be among the first. I smell UNC on the wind... but predict Duke next week.
  14. An employee at UNC Chapel Hill program confirmed that they have two rounds - one in late January and another in mid February ("mostly likely," the individual said).
  15. Shouldn't Ohio State U. and UNC Chapel hill be notifying this week? I'm perhaps doubly frantic about finding out - my spouse is applying to medical residency programs, and we have to match (the city, at least). Feels like shooting a bullet with a bullet. Except the second bullet is also really slippery.
  16. My problem is generally this - my spouse (in med school) and I are jumping into the next stages of our lives at the same time, and we're having trouble matching up residency programs and PhD programs for political science (Comparative). Residency programs, as you may know, are matched up from a list of preferred locations, say, twenty, but once the computer matches you, that's it! You are stuck. This process occurs between the deadline for PhD program applications and when one receives an answer. I'm trying to apply to top 20 schools - including the real tough ones. But I have to be uber competitive, because if my spouse lands a residency at Michigan, for example, I better have been accepted to Michigan! So we have to coordinate the match list to what I can reasonably get into, in order to ensure we land at the same place. If Michigan is out of my league, then we should just kill the idea. Here are my stats and recent work: GRE verbal of 700, quant of 720, with an undergrad (Vanderbilt) GPA of 3.7 and an MA (Georgetown) of 3.9. I've been working in a DC think tank for two years, and most of my regional expertise is Russia/Eurasia. I don't think this is too bad, but here's the question: are there any schools that are just too risky? That is, are there schools in the top 20 that I should just forget about and strike off my spouse's match list? I'd appreciate any advice for this, thanks!
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