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Posts posted by PoetofEthics

  1. Thank you! I have had the letter writers say that the student of my early days (15 years ago or so) is not the student they currently know and that I am a now a dedicated student etc. I am sending the committee both transcripts and mentioning a very bad start 15-20 years ago, but I just don't want them to think "there is something fishy with this guys transcripts". Maybe they wouldn't however because I am very clear that the whole beginning was a mess and my last 60 hours show what I can currently do as a student. It might be overkill to point out all of the "details" of the flaws early on because of this, but I'm not 100% sure. Any other input appreciated!

  2. Hi, the transcript at my main university shows that I have a 3.26 overall GPA and a 4.0 in the last 60 hours, and a 4.0 in philosophy. However, after graduating I discovered that only 2 of my community college semesters are on the transcript. I have two other semesters that are terrible which makes this community college transcript a 2.22 overall. When I called the school to get them "added" to the main university transcript, they said I cannot do that since the transcript is already finalized (because I've graduated) and that I should just send both transcripts to the grad schools I apply to. So I have 2 transcripts (I am sending both), but committee would have to average the overall GPA of both transcripts together to get my "true" overall GPA. My question is, should I tell the committee this in my Personal Statement or should I just let them look the transcripts over and figure it out on their own. I'm not trying to hide anything purposely and they will have both transcripts.

    Currently, I've taken my GPA off of my CV altogether and I have mentioned in my Personal Statement that I had personal issues (not a lie) early in my college career (which was in the early 2000's), but that since I have found my academic fit I have achieved a 4.0 in my last 60 hours and a 4.0 in philosophy. What strategy would you all recommend in this instance?

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Thanks for reading, I am putting together my CV for grad school and am an unconventional student. My background: basically, the first half of my transcript (60 hours) is terrible, and includes me attending and being dismissed (developmentally for not passing algebra) several times from my university from 1999-2007. I was also reinstated several times and went to a community college before attending the main university, so I have a bunch of random years that I need to list on my CV. After finding Philosophy I went back to school in 2020 and made 20 straight A's in four straight semesters, so the last half of my transcript (60 hours) is very good and I just graduated.

    My overall GPA is now 3.26 overall and Philosophy GPA is 4.0. The problem is I don't know how to list all of those years attended in a succinct fashion. Should I just put a year range? Like 1999-2021? That seems weird, but it looks weird to list all of the semesters individually too - which is what I did below. Also, should I mention all that weirdness in my Statement of Purpose or just say "I had failures in the past, but have grown from the experience". Can I leave off years attended? Any opinions on how to list this in a way that doesn't raise flags is welcome! Right now I have this on my CV (education section):




    My Main University - B.A., Philosophy

    Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Spring 2001 – Fall 2001, Fall 2005, Spring 2007, Summer 2020 – Fall 2021 | 4.0 Philosophy GPA (4.0 GPA last 60 hours) 

    B.A. Senior Thesis: Does Evil Preclude the Omni-Attributes of God?


    Blah Blah Community College 

    Spring 1999, Fall 2000 | 3.38 GPA

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