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Everything posted by antibody33

  1. Also I never quite answered your main question: In my personal experience, I chose to major in biology because I hated all of the other majors more ?. I was average at intro biology and chemistry, really bad at math... but I ended up liking the subject matter a lot more than I anticipated. After graduating I ended up taking job in research that I LOVE and now I'm looking at starting a PhD next fall. You don't need to be "incredibly smart" to succeed in biology - just a good work ethic and an interest :). Trust yourself, you got this!!
  2. Ok, I know I'm replying to this thread pretty late- but just came across it! If you're interested in biology definitely give it a try! College is one of the only times in your life where you can explore so many areas and if you end up hating it you can just change your major again. Yeah, the intro classes can be very difficult and competitive- but if you can pass them (C's get degrees!) then you're golden! In my opinion it's better to try and fail than to not try and have doubt about what could have been. One of my best friends scraped through intro bio and chem. She even failed one bio class that was a pre-requisite for the major. She had to re-take it over summer... did ok in upper division courses- but loved the subject matter so she kept pushing on. We graduated in 2017, and she had to work her way up in her organization for two years... but now she has an amazing job managing clinical trials at one of the top hospitals in Seattle. My point is, if it interests you- try it!! You can always change your mind later :). Biology is great!!
  3. Hi Guys!! Is it weird to contact profs to talk about projects/fit in their lab after being invited to the school for an interview? Would that look weird, especially if you are formally interviewed by them during recruitment? Thoughts???
  4. Haha also hoping they have a few more invites to send out ?. Fingers crossed for both of us!! ?
  5. Sharing stats... 3.5 years of research experience in biotech/drug discovery, no publications (although three patents pending!), 3.77 GPA... Applied to UCSD (BMS), UCSF (BMS), UCLA (Bioscience IIMP), UW (MCB), CU Anschutz (BSP), Oregon Health & Science (PBMS), UCSB (MCDB), UC Irvine (CMB) & City of Hope cancer center Heard back from CU Anshutz today (interview) and UCSF (rejected). Let me know if you guys hear anything from any of these other programs. I tried to apply to a range of schools as far as competitiveness... but still feeling pretty anxious. Good luck guys we got this!
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