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Posts posted by maybeschoolpsych21

  1. Hi folks! Does anyone have recommendations on how to let a PI know that you're still interested in being considered for their lab? Two of the schools I interviewed with have not sent me a formal decision, so I'm wondering if it would be helpful to reach out. I also want to let the PI know I've had posters accepted for conference presentation, but haven't been sure how to phrase this. Any advice would be helpful, thank you!!!

  2. Did anyone at the Berkeley interview hear anything about timeline/if other candidates are still being considered? Also what did folks think about the South Carolina interview? Would love feedback for moral support :) Interview season has left me so antsy- I hope everyone is holding up well!

  3. 21 hours ago, JakiraJakira said:

    I saw a couple people here who applied to UC Berkeley and have commented. 
    Just wanted to share something that made me reconsider the program.

    This year the APA accreditation committee voted and placed it on probation. This may mean it may be hard to get an accredited internship after completing the program. 


    Great point to bring up! I reached out to a recent grad of the program who explained that the APA recently adjusted its accredidation criteria. Berkeley updated its curriculum accordingly last semester so that it mandated final exams for each class (rather than a final paper as it did for some courses). The grad is currently in an APA internship and told me that matching into one was no issue for him. Another comforting note he mentioned is that the department chair is the new APA president haha

  4. Hi everyone! I haven't come across a thread for Berkeley yet so I figured I'd start one  Apologies if a thread has already been established; feel free to link it below and I'll delete this post.

    I applied to Berkeley on December 1 and though I haven't heard from the program, I'm super excited (and anxious!) about the potential opportunity to interview. I hope this can serve as a space to share interview updates/general moral support!

    Out of curiosity- how did folks submit their supplemental docs for credential programs (eg. SAT scores). I submitted a PDF of my SAT score as a supplemental doc and the GSE office said this was the appropriate avenue. I feel like I'd read somewhere that we needed to send an official score report somewhere? Any insight would be appreciated, thank you!!

  5. Hi everyone! I applied to Riverside, Santa Barbara and Berkeley; would love to updates anyone has about these schools :) I haven't heard anything yet but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  6. Congrats on interviews everyone! Super exciting :') I was curious if anyone has an idea on if all first round invitations were sent out. My POI was very encouraging of my experience/grad school objectives when first corresponding with her in October. I'm totally braced to apply next cycle, just a little sad to not have the opportunity chat with her this round. Any info could help ease my desire to refresh my email haha. Relatedly, for folks that have received first round interviews- were your initial interactions with your POIs more personal or did responses feel generic? 

    Thanks in advance for any insight :) UCSB school psych is my top choice and I'd love to hear folks' experiences so far!

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