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Everything posted by hopefulPHDtobe

  1. Congrats on your acceptances and interview!!
  2. Hi! I haven't heard from Pitt either. Looking at past years' forums, I saw that they typically interview. I haven't heard anything about interviews this year, so I'm wondering if they won't be bc of covid.
  3. Hi - I was accepted as well. Hope you hear back soon and wishing you luck!
  4. I also received an interview invite from BU this evening. Sending luck to everyone!
  5. ah yes, fingers crossed for us all!
  6. I applied to BU and have not heard anything yet - did someone post with a result? The waiting is getting harder and harder!
  7. Congrats! I did not apply, but that is such wonderful news!!
  8. I have also not heard anything from UT. Has anyone heard from BostonU? They had emailed that decisions would be sent 4 to 6 weeks from the deadline - 6 weeks was yesterday ?
  9. I haven't heard anything from Pitt yet either. Does anyone know if they will be interviewing this year?
  10. Ah! Thanks for letting us know! I was wondering if they were going to interview this year.
  11. Yes, fingers crossed!!
  12. Hi! I applied and have not heard anything apart from the automated email after submitting. Have you?
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