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Gaatha Bhatia

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  1. I haven't accepted my admission yet, I received my rejection for ESOP and ETH-D today.
  2. Everyone who got selected for ESOP, did you guys accept your admission before getting scholarship result? What does your portal say now?
  3. Congratulations to everybody who got ESOP! Is there anybody who got the scholarship but wasn't interviewed?
  4. This "decided" is for the admission decision I believe, not ESOP decision.
  5. No problem! Ah well, good luck to us ?
  6. Have you had your interview yet? I haven't had the interview and mine says "decided" and "ESOP requested" like this
  7. Yeah, so there's definitely still hope. If they're conducting interviews, I guess we should start receiving mails regarding it this week. Fingers crossed!
  8. Not really, I think they're required to interview everyone who applied for it. What does your portal say? Mine says "ESOP requested". Don't lose hope, they're yet to conduct interviews for a majority of us. Good luck!
  9. Yes, they send out ESOP decisions separately. I think interviews are mandatory, although they used to conduct the interviews before confirming acceptance, this time they sent out program decisions first. We can't really say how they're doing things now. I personally received my acceptance on 25 Feb and haven't received any communication regarding ESOP yet.
  10. I don't think it has any significance. In the last few years it disappeared for some people before they received their decision, but this year it didn't disappear for anybody so far. I received my acceptance last week and my withdraw button is still active.
  11. Yeah judging by previous years' forums, that seemed to be the case that they conducted interviews before confirming acceptance. They're doing things differently I guess. Maybe they figured it would make more sense to confirm acceptance first and then conduct interviews, or it could also be that they decided not to conduct interviews altogether. I remember reading that sometimes they used to offer the scholarships directly on the basis of your profile and proposal without an interview as well, although it was rare. Perhaps due to the pandemic they've decided to go that route to make things more convenient. All we can do is wait, really. ?
  12. I've actually thought about the same thing. It could honestly mean both, we have requested for it, and consequently the department has put in a request to the concerned office. Either way, we'll have to appear for the interview to take the request further.
  13. Thankyou so much!! Hope the same for you in case you're waiting for it as well. ♥️
  14. Oh right, I just saw the letter. I got so anxious I didn't even notice it before, thanks for telling me. It does mean accepted!! Super happy and excited ♥️♥️
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