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Everything posted by beorn1968

  1. hope everyone is dohp[eing well after a hellish cycle. No go for me in any of my 5 choices but i found this very funny today, posted it on my twitter: 2 1/2 months after receiving a rejection from the history department at Notre Dame I just received a rejection letter from the graduate school. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO Academia is definitely a functional institution. oh well back to the drawing board. best and solidarity to everyone
  2. congrats on the waitlist. feeling doomed myself lol
  3. Additional Congrats, it is a terrific program
  4. looks like some english applicants got diversity emails too, maybe it is a good sign for you guys. Just hope we get news soon.
  5. maybe thats a good sign
  6. Not to be a broke record but has anybody heard anything besides radio silence from UVA?
  7. Hey everybody. on a friday night, here is to all of us! solidarity!
  8. all the best and solidarity
  9. after the petty toxicity of my last academic program this forum helps me believe in humanity again. thank you all
  10. Thanks, Congrats on Fordham
  11. Still waiting on UVA Religious studies. Has anyone heard anything from them? Interview etc?
  12. they are very very wise. deepest congratulations and solidarity
  13. very much vice verso. solidarity!
  14. UVA philosophy and history phd results are coming in. Religious studies cant be far behind. This is my last shot for the cycle. Never forget our intellectual vocation depends on us, not institutional credentials. Love and solidarity guys
  15. not that it matters at this point, but anyone hear anything from UVA?
  16. oh sorry missed it. keep fighting and solidarity
  17. do we know that the harvard admits have been notified? just saw a rejection and waitlist in the results.
  18. has anyone heard of Yale religious studies having any interviews yet this cycle? feel free to DM me.
  19. The radio silence is the worse or maybe I'm just not who I thought I am as a scholar. solidarity everyone
  20. Not expecting a positive result but has anybody heard anything from Harvard? The results page has one rejection (by the person's POI) and a waitlist. I know it is going be a brutally small acceptance number but I thought we would have heard something after 2 months. I know the Committee on Religion does not interview but does any one know if History interviews?
  21. Probably going to hate myself for asking this but has anyone heard anything from Yale Religious Studies? From reading last year's results its seems an interview is not absolutely necessary to get accepted, or does it depend on the field? If not covid delayed, looks like Yale will send out acceptances by the middle of the month. hoping we all hear positive things soon. Solidarity!
  22. yes, sorry for my unique form of shorthand. thanks for the heads up
  23. back at ya!
  24. Thanks for the advice. I went through with it. after everything this year life is too short not to take chances on what you love. best and solidarity
  25. anybody not getting into Northwestern writing their POI to get a sense of what happend? after difficult deliberations I am.
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