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Everything posted by cosmo92

  1. Accepted to the MA program at UVA. Was wrestling between this or the PhD program at Marquette but finally decided that I'll be heading to UVA to work with the faculty that I'm more inclined to study with and re-apply once I complete this new degree. Love you guys !
  2. i havent heard anything either, feeling a certain way rn lmaoo
  3. I got the same email, had me fooled for a second lmao
  4. I heard the same thing after my interview too
  5. Time to buy a patch of land in wyoming and start a cult ???
  7. I'm waiting on BC too (ethics), I've received interviews for BU and Marquette but aside from that its been complete guessing and waiting which sucks
  8. I've been wondering the exact same thing; especially now that fordham has released some decisions, I wonder how my track (theological ethics) ties in with the other tracks and the subsequent decisions made; so frustrating
  9. Which subfield did you apply to?
  10. I was waitlisted at Marquette after an interview so I feel like the "good fit" thing definitely takes precedence, especially this year maybe. Worst case scenario I get to tell my future grandchildren that I had a phd interview with a top theologian while sitting in a storage closet on Zoom haha
  11. My close family friend is an assistant professor in philosophy and, toward the beginning of 2020, told me that graduate application processes are sadistic in so many ways and now I finally understand what she meant haha
  12. One thing I am still thinking about is this year's relation between interviews offered and number of acceptances agreed upon. Do you guys think that there were less interview invitations given out in general or that the interview invites stayed relatively the same while the acceptances decreased. I hope the former is the case because I want to feel as if my interview invitations were signs of at least a little good news lmao
  13. i'm still waiting too, pure torture
  14. What are some of your plans if this year's application cycle doesn't work out for the best? At this point, since I've already finished my MTS, I'm one waitlist away from running away to Maine and living on a blueberry farm lmaoo
  15. Its alarming lmao
  16. Anyone else apply to Fordham's Theological & Social Ethics track?
  17. There were four at mine. Not sure how many they're taking this year, but I know its been reduced pretty significantly which sucks haha. Also I wish more than anything that we would find out this Friday but I'm not getting my hopes up lmao
  18. I applied for Track 3: Practical Theology. I think they said we'd hear back in a few weeks. How many people were present during your interview?
  19. Reassuring to hear! Thanks! I suppose we are our own most intense critics
  20. This is a general question for all: What do you think are signs or indicators of an interview having gone well? What were some of your interviews like? I just finished an interview with faculty at BU and feel good about it; it went 5 minutes over and the conversation was lively/there was laughing lol. Do any of you feel as if the interview setting itself sort of makes you forget things you felt like you really wanted to say? Does the interviewing faculty acknowledge the fact that some things might be left out? Idk obviously it varies for each program and candidate, I'm just riffing at this point lmao
  21. What concentration are you applying for?
  22. What concentration are you in if you don't mind my asking? And what year did you apply? Dr. Dempsey has been incredible in terms of communication.
  23. Did anyone else apply to Marquette's Theological Ethics program or any theological program at Marquette. I just got an email informing me that I was waitlisted so I'm just trying to gauge how hopeful to be or what to realistically expect. The graduate admissions director noted that I was towards the very top of the waitlist order but I have no clue as to what that actually entails.
  24. Does the fact that two people (at least on Gradcafe) have received interview invitations from Boston University this past week essentially assure a rejection to be arriving to me in the next few weeks? Confused as to how I should gauge what I'm seeing on here lmao. I applied to the Practical Theology track. Does anyone have any insight into the way BU handles interviews?
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