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Everything posted by 4everstudent

  1. Right after I posted I found out I was on the waitlist there.
  2. Has anyone heard anything from University of Pittsburgh?
  3. If we haven’t received an invitation to UT Austin’s virtual visit day is there still a chance to get accepted?
  4. @Imperator Totius Hispaniaefingers crossed that they do! Best of luck on your interview!
  5. @Imperator Totius Hispaniae I had an interview with Berkeley last year and I’m a Latin Americanist so hopefully I can shed some insight. The two people that were cc’d on my email invite were there for my interview. Think of it more as a conversation about how you think you will approach your dissertation and the feasibility of your project. I would say that I knew people who had interviews and didn’t get in and then people like myself who were waitlisted. They did not take any Latin Americanist last cycle. Fingers crossed that’s not the case this year.
  6. @TexasTiger I sent you a PM
  7. @Sigabathank you for your advice! I will have to check out that episode.
  8. Im struggling with a 500 word count for an SOP. It would clearly need to include my proposal project and my why that particular school, however I do not know if that leaves me with enough word count left to include background on my historical thought process through a previous work. Does trying to include the last part matter considering the word count? Im sort of stuck. Thanks!
  9. I also do not know hot to directly reply, but @Mbarreiro0711 I have had this happen a few times this cycle. I would take it as a positive sign that they are interested in whatever was said in the email you sent. In my experience, professors have asked to expand or initially state what my potential dissertation topic will be. I would ask what kind of advisor they are and/or how many students they currently are working with. The relationship that the department has with other departments, you would be surprised they do not all have established working relationships. The topic of funding comes in usually combined with if you are coming in with a B.A. or an M.A. I did make sure to ask, if it is not listed on their website, how many of their graduates are finding jobs afterwards and is there support in that process.
  10. Officially rejected from Berkeley this morning. Probably one of the most frustrating and emotionally draining things to deal with. Felt like I had been jerked around for months on the waitlist just to be rejected.
  11. Although I am still technically waitlisted at Berkeley, as another person posted, it does not look like they are going to pull anyone off the waitlist this cycle. This was my last hope this cycle and to say Im bummed would be an understatement. Im prepared to apply again next cycle, but Im curious to see if anyone knows the trend of schools still requiring the GRE next cycle. Anybody hear anything about requiring it again or letting it go for good?
  12. This application season has been rough. My anxiety is through the roof. I’ve been rejected by 4 of the 5 schools I applied to. And waitlisted at my top choice. Talked to my POI and she said the one applicant just needs to say no and that I would be in. So now I find myself checking my email multiple times a day. My POI said she would contact me within a few days after she talked to the other applicant to get a feel for her decision and it’s been two weeks now. As we creep closer to the April 15th deadline I feel like I’m going crazy. Ok end rant. Lol
  13. Welp 4 rejections and 1 waitlist at Berkeley. I have had two different POI's reach out and tell me that they could only admit 1 student for Latin America and I'm the back up. I'm trying to not get my hopes up but I wish I sort of knew the odds of someone declining their offer. Any advice?
  14. Does anyone have any insight about the possibility of being selected off a waitlist? Specifically at Berkeley? Trying to stay positive but I don’t want to get my hopes up.
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